#BuildingTeams #Blog1 | Introduction to the series

Mainak Roy
Mainak Roy
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2022

Hello World!
I completed 10 years in the development sector this month and I thought of writing this series to share with all of you what I think is the key to moving closer to our mission — building high performing teams.

The development sector works differently from the corporate sector, and the difference is primarily in the kind of problems we solve. We work on problems that do not have a set solution or sometimes do not have any known solution. Often the impact of these problems is far-reaching, intergenerational and needs several parts of the government and social systems to work together, making them difficult to solve.

Hence the key to solving these problems is just pure relentless effort and nothing else. From my experience of working in a fabulous organisation like Teach For India and then leading my own nonprofit, Simple Education Foundation, I have come to believe that in order to ensure that we can put in this kind of effort — we need to consistently build a strong, thriving team.

This series is an effort to bring out some of the key elements of building and managing teams and I hope you find them helpful.

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts with me.



Mainak Roy
Mainak Roy

Co-Founder and CEO at Simple Education Foundation | Committed to ensuring that where we are born does not determine where we go | For ALL children