#BuildingTeams #Blog2 | Vision for your team

Mainak Roy
Mainak Roy
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2022

Companies are built on ideas. However, they sustain because of their people. Having a vision for your team and the organisation's culture is critical for growth.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

My friend, colleague, coach and mentor Saahil Sood once told me that the important thing when building an early team is knowing who will fit the bus and not the seat. This kind of insight emerges from a vision for your team and the organisation’s culture.

So how do you build this vision?

Start with thinking about the kind of team you would like to be a part of for a long time, not only as you begin to taxi on the runway but also when you are flying smoothly and when you might face turbulence. This is the starting point of your vision. It is always easy to build and manage a team that you enjoy working with personally, assuming that you are a nice person and want to build an organisation where people love to work.

Once you have this idea in place, start jotting down a few key ideas around values, rituals and working styles that enable this vision and culture. As you start recruiting, keep an eye out for all of these pieces — especially the values and the working styles.

Doing these, as you start up, will set you up for success. Doing these consistently will make your company successful.

>> This blog is a part of a series on #BuildingTeams. Find the other blogs in this series here.



Mainak Roy
Mainak Roy

Co-Founder and CEO at Simple Education Foundation | Committed to ensuring that where we are born does not determine where we go | For ALL children