EdgeX in Action, Part 3: Sending Commands and Events

This is the third article in series “EdgeX in Action”, and in this article we will see how to send commands to devices (downlink) and events from devices (uplink).

Mainflux IoT Platform
4 min readSep 6, 2018


We at Mainflux are building one of the world’s first EdgeX-compliant IoT gateways called MFX-1. Our vision is producing end-to-end open-source IoT system — from the edge to the cloud — where fleets of MFX-1 EdgeX gateways are connected to Mainflux IoT cloud and managed via web applications.

In the second article, “EdgeX in Action, Part 2: Provisioning”, we have covered the system provisioning. Now you should have your system configured and ready to send some commands and receive some events.

There are 2 kinds of messages in EdgeX:

  • Commands — downlink messages, EdgeX -> device. Commands can be of type PUT (push data to device) or GET (issue the read command and get data from device). They can be observed similar to CoAP protocol, where device is a small server with internal resources, and application does GET to get a reading from device (just that in the case of EdgeX there is a Device Service in between Core Data and a Device, and Device Service is a full-blown HTTP server).
  • Events — uplink messages, device -> EdgeX

Typically events will be sent by sensors, as a result of some measurement readings (for example temperature readings), and commands will be issued from applications (either from a cloud or on the EdgeX itself).


We’ll start with Events, as those are easier to figure out. Events are sent from the devices towards EdgeX, asynchronously.

Let’s create a few events, i.e. simulate requests that would be sent by Device Service to the Core Service:

We can check that we have really sent these events:

To retrieve these 2 last events:

And to retrieve last 2 humancount readings associated to the countcamera1 Device (i.e. — get readings by Value Descriptor):


Commands are sent from EdgeX towards connected devices, but there can be two types of commands:

  • PUT — which is a push of data from EdgeX towards a device
  • GET — which is used to pull data from device


and you will get a list of commands associated with this device:

The important filed here to note is "url". You will notice that it is formatted in the following pattern:

In order to send a particular command to the particular device — in this case ScanDepth command to a device countcamera1, send a following reqest:

In the log on the STDOUT you should see something like:

Note that172.17.0.1:49977 is an URL that Device Service left when it was calling the Core Data to create an Addressable (and we simulated this by executing POST to http://localhost:48081/api/v1/addressable in our previous article, “EdgeX in Action, Part 2: Provisioning”).

However, we are currently not running Device Service service (there is not yet one written in Go), so this request end up with an error:

Additionally, if we query core-command logs, we will observe that the PUT command was sent:

Note that for this remote logging to be enabled, you need to put EnableRemoteLogging = true in the config file of the core-command service (in cmd/core-command/res/configuration.toml).

For now what is important for us is just to see the flow and understand how services communicate. Once we have device service installed, it will receive the command and forward it to device via appropriate protocol (we usually have one device service per protocol — mqtt, coap, modbus, 6lowpan, and so on).

That’s all I have for you today. In the next article, “EdgeX in Action, Part 4: Exporting Data”, we’ll look how to send this data from an EdgeX gateway to a remote server in the cloud using EdgeX Export Services. Stay tuned.

To learn more about Mainflux and how we’re building the world’s most sophisticated open-source Industrial IoT cloud, visit our website and follow us on Twitter!

