Crowdgift Phase 3: Proof of Heart

Mick Hagen
Hifi Finance | Official blog
6 min readMay 7, 2018


TLDR: We will be giving away nearly $1m in MFT based on who donates the most to a few non-profit organizations whose values align with ours. This is a contest and there is no guarantee of winning anything — you are not “buying” tokens.

This is the final phase of our Crowdgift. If you didn’t get a chance to participate in Phase 1: Proof of Being or Phase 2: Proof of Freedom, then this is your last chance. This is the final phase and it’s called Proof of Heart.

There is so much greed and speculation in the industry. So many people trying to cut corners and “get rich quick.” We understand that this can sometimes occur when there is a groundbreaking technology that unlocks a wave of new opportunities, new possibilities and new frontiers.

However, we are absolutely long-term believers in blockchain technology. We are long-term builders of decentralized networks and economies. We are long-term fighters for the freedom and privacy that everyone deserves.

So in this final phase… we want to channel some of that less savory behavior and direct it towards worthwhile causes. We especially wanted to help a few non-profits which align with our values of privacy and freedom. With this final phase, we wanted to see if there was any heart left in the industry. Is there still a pulse? Do people out there think of anyone but themselves? We hope so. Let’s prove it with this final phase, Proof of Heart.

Summary of how it works

  • You donate ETH to a single wallet address (more below)
  • All of that ETH will be split among the non-profit organizations.
  • The top donors will be given free MFT tokens.
  • No matter who wins MFT and who doesn’t, a few great non-profit organizations get more funding! We should be proud.

Which non-profit organizations?

You — our wonderful Mainframe community — will help us decide on which non-profits should receive that ETH. You can vote for and/or suggest organizations at this link. The final decision is still at our full discretion (which non-profit and how much each). However, we value your opinion and we’d love to get your feedback.

Here is the short list of non-profit organizations we’re thinking about working with who align with our values of privacy and freedom.

  • Freedom of the Press Foundation — use crowdfunding, digital security, and internet advocacy to support journalists and whistleblowers worldwide. Snowden is involved.
  • Electronic Privacy Information Center — was established to focus public attention on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age.
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation — leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. They work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.
  • Amnesty International —a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. Campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

Vote Here !!

How much MFT can I win?

We are giving away nearly $1m worth of MFT to the top donors. Here is the breakdown below:

  • Gold Donor: Top 100-ish donors — 4 ETH of MFT each
  • Silver Donor: Next 200-ish donors — 2 ETH of MFT each
  • Bronze Donor: Next 300-ish donors —1 ETH of MFT each
  • Thank You Donor: Everyone else who donates at least 0.5 ETH will also get some free MFT. No exact amount promised or guaranteed.

We will be giving away MFT at the same rate as our tranche 2 pre-sale price (154,559 MFT p/ 1 ETH). To get more details on that, see the “Private Pre-Sale Pricing” in this Three Million Dollar blog post.

Note: We use “ish” on each category amount (Gold, Silver, Bronze) because each mini-contest that we run (throughout the Phase 3 period) will reduce the amount of prizes for that category, depending on what prizes were given in that mini-contest.

How do I get the MFT if I win?

We will send the MFT to the address that you send your donation from. So it’s essential that you do not send from an exchange. You must send ETH from an address which exposes ERC20 tokens (i.e. MyCrypto). The addresses cannot be changed after the fact. We will be sending MFT to those addresses. Be thoughtful and careful about where you send/donate ETH from.

We will send the MFT to all winners when we do initial token distribution. Everyone will receive tokens at roughly the same time (pre-sale participants, phase 1 participants, phase 2 winners, and phase 3 winners).

I’m ready to donate, where do I send?

ETH Donation Address: 0x34c5bf6ce9fecbd10bcfafdf60c61ed27533473b

Matt volunteered for this. He looks good.

Another way to verify it’s the right address is to look at the first transaction in the wallet. It should be for 0.17 ETH.

We are still narrowing down which non-profit organizations will receive this ETH. You can help vote here. Regardless, you can immediately start donating!

Reminder: Only send ETH from an address where we can send you the MFT tokens back. So must allow for ERC20 tokens! Do not send from an exchange!

Can I send multiple donations (to increase my overall donation amount)?

Yes! We expect people to be monitoring the donation wallet and watching where their donation ranks against other donations. It is okay to send multiple donations and have them counted and combined together as a single donation — but only if they are from the same sender ETH address! If you send from different ETH addresses then they will be treated as two different donations because we have no way to know you are the same person! Please send from the same address if you wish to combine your donation and increase your overall amount.

How will the donor rankings be calculated?

We can already see some clever people out there just incrementing their total donation by 0.00000001 ETH just to make sure they outrank some other donor. We don’t want to have to deal with that headache or complexity. So we will only look at two decimal numbers when calculating the donor ranks. So if your total donation is 1.123456789 ETH, we will only count that as 1.12 ETH. If there are any ties then the reward will be split evenly among those people who are tied with that same ranking.

When is the deadline?

Phase 3 will end on Monday (May 21st) at 8:00:59am Utah MDT time. Donor rankings will be finalized at that time, and can be seen at our overall leaderboard. Any donations that come into the wallet after the deadline will still be donated to the non-profit organizations but will not be considered for the prizes. The sooner you donate, the safer you are.

This deadline time is 100% based on Etherscan time. Etherscan’s transaction log time will be the final authority, regardless of how they index same block transactions, or sync transaction times to the miner’s logs.

What if I get really upset because I don’t win?

Well… we hope you aren’t upset. Remember this is a donation to some wonderful non-profit organizations. You are not buying tokens. You are donating some of your hard-earned ETH to great causes. We appreciate that. This is Proof of Heart — you should be honored and proud for what you’ve just proven: you have a heart. Thank you!

Easter Egg Surprises

We may have a few mini-contests throughout this period. Some Gold, Silver and Bronze donors may be crowned throughout… instead of just at the end. When those prizes are given, they are removed from the overall 600 prizes. Stay tuned. Follow our channels. Let’s have some fun and do some good.

Our Lawyers made us say this: You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. This contest is not intended to be available where prohibited by applicable law and is void where prohibited. Recipients of prizes may be subject to taxation based on the value of the awards.

