Hifi Governance Page

Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Community governance is a huge part of what makes Hifi great and has helped us get to where we are currently. We appreciate holder participation in voting on Hifi Improvement Proposals (HIPs). These proposals move our protocol forward. As we’ve said in the past, “Hifi Governance is a community-driven process that manages the Lending Protocol, allowing participants to propose, vote on, and enact changes. These proposals can adjust system settings, introduce new markets, add collateral types, or allocate resources for particular initiatives.” Feel free to read our Introduction to Community Governance post if you need a refresher.

Given governance is such a large part of Hifi, we’re excited to announce we’ve added a new Governance Page to our website. This is the go-to resource for all things Hifi Governance, including delegation, the governance forum, and proposal voting.

Delegate $HIFI

Delegating $HIFI to another community member allows them to vote on your behalf for proposals. Delegation helps ensure more $HIFI is actively used in proposal voting, so long as it is delegated to a community member or address that is keeping up with proposals. It should be noted that the delegate’s voting rights are automatically adjusted when the owner’s token balance changes so there is no need to adjust delegation unless you want to change your delegate. For all community members who have delegated their $HIFI be sure to periodically evaluate delegations to ensure delegates are actively participating and voting in a manner you agree with.

Previously delegation was part of our Token Swap App, but we have now developed it into its own experience. From the new Governance page, you can now view or change your current delegate by clicking the “Delegate $HIFI” button and connecting your wallet on the Delegation page. From there you can self-delegate, delegate to a community member, or select a custom delegate by entering any ENS or address.

Additionally, if you want to see all Hifi DAO Delegates you can visit Tally where you will also be able to view their voting history by clicking on their ENS or address.

Governance Forum

Our new governance page includes easy access to the Hifi Governance Forum. The forum is where all proposals are first introduced to and discussed by the community. Many proposals may come from the Hifi Labs team, but anyone can propose an idea to the community. We ask for all comments and discussions, whether in agreement or disagreement with the idea, to be respectful and constructive. We encourage the community to suggest alternatives if they disagree and not simply shoot ideas down. For more guidance on how to write a great governance proposal, see our previous blog.

Vote on Proposals

No governance page would be complete without voting. Ultimately, voting decides whether or not a proposal will move forward. We’ve included a link to the Hifi DAO on Tally to view previous proposals, get more information on delegates, and vote. We ask that all community members (especially delegates) be informed of proposals and actively participate in all votes.

The new Hifi Governance page is your one-stop resource for all aspects of our community-driven protocol management. From delegation to proposal voting, all the necessary tools and information are now conveniently located in one place. We invite all community members to actively participate and engage in governance, helping to shape the future of Hifi. Together, we can continue to improve and innovate our protocol.

For all things Hifi keep an eye on our announcements, participate in our discussions, and be a part of the community on Discord and Twitter.



Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog

(Formerly Mainframe) Fixed-rate borrowing against crypto, giving users instant liquidity to multiply their investment.