Hifi TVL Growth

Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog
2 min readMar 26, 2024


Our liquidity bootstrapping is working! Protocol TVL currently sits at $4.52M! We are well on our way to meeting our 2024 goal of $25M in TVL. HIP 6 continues to bootstrap liquidity into the protocol month after month.

This month we facilitated a million-dollar loan against commercial real estate in addition to our previous vintage VW bus loan. These first loans are paving the way for future real-world asset (RWA) loans in the protocol. Keep an eye out for more improvement proposals soon!

Metrics Dashboard

To help the community keep tabs on our progress, we’ve published a new Metrics Dashboard. Here is a summary of everything that is included in the dashboard:

  • Protocol TVL — (Total Value Locked) Represents the total amount of assets deposited in the protocol contracts to be used as collateral to lend and borrow.
  • Protocol TVL Growth Over Time — Represents our TVL growth over time on a month-by-month basis.
  • Progress Toward $25M TVL — Tracks our progress towards our $25M TVL goal represented as a percentage.
  • Protocol-Owned Liquidity — The value of all assets backing the HIFI token and fully owned by token holders. This includes protocol liquidity, earned interest, and fees.
  • TVL Growth YoY — Tracking our TVL growth on a year-over-year basis.
  • Aggregate Loan Volume — The total value of loans issued by the protocol, tracking the sum of all lending activity.

Links to our metrics dashboard have been added to our homepage. You can now also find our TVL prominently displayed on our homepage as well as the web app.

We are seeing momentum pick up, and we’re proud of our position within the growing RWA landscape. We firmly believe the tokenization of real-world assets represents the single largest onboarding of value to blockchains that will ever occur. We are thrilled about where things are headed and are on track to reaching our $25M TVL goal. Thank you to our incredibly supportive community for all your contributions in helping get us this far.

As always feel free to join us on Discord and follow us on X.



Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog

(Formerly Mainframe) Fixed-rate borrowing against crypto, giving users instant liquidity to multiply their investment.