Mainframe AMA February 12, 2020

Doug Leonard
Hifi Finance | Official blog
3 min readFeb 21, 2020


During this first Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, Mick and I take questions direct from the community. We cover a broad array of topics. Special thanks to “Bogdan BM” from our community who was willing to help compile the links for this blogpost.

How is Mainframe doing financially?

We currently have 2 years of runway.

What are the priorities moving forward?

Sustainability, MFT utility, cater to a non-technical audience.

How is Genesis Block funded?

Mick is a baller and has personally funded Genesis Block. No Mainframe funds or presale funds have gone into funding Genesis Block.

Who are the major stakeholders in Genesis Block apart of Mick?

The only stakeholders of Genesis Block are team members.

What clear path do you have regarding community development?

I’d like to move away from the chaos of telegram, and would like instead to invest in a platform that weighs influence proportional to staked MFT value.

When are we gonna see more walk and less talk?

Time will tell.

What is Genesis Block working on?

Incentives align, Genesis Block will leverage the Mainframe Credit protocol.

What products is currently Mainframe working on?

The Mainframe Credit Protocol, community governance, staking and rewards.

You have been talking for 3 years but I really have not seen any results.

Github shows what we’ve built, MFT price remains outside our control.

Regarding staking, if Mainframe OS isn’t currently the core focus, what will the use cases be for staking MFT?


Maybe timing itself isn’t quite right? Thoughts.

The timing is not right for MainframeOS.

Where would you suggest to buy the MTF token as an US customer, or even for anyone else?

Binance, and soon more decentralized access.

Regarding Mainframe Credit Protocol, when are you planning to release it? How will you release it, to make sure it’s successful?

A series of blogposts and updated website.

When the Government says to give them a backdoor into the system, do you comply?

I have no interest in going to jail, and I have no interest giving a backdoor to our systems. But if it becomes an issue, look for a canary on my online persona to disappear.

Who is your target audience (for Genesis Block) and in which specific countries?

The vision is global, but we will start with US, UK, and Europe at first.

Why not focusing on developing countries?

Being able to spend crypto requires a developed infrastructure.

What will the Credit Protocol look like? Will it be an app? A protocol?

The protocol will be a protocol, and Mainframe will create usable interfaces for the protocol as we bootstrap the marketplace.

Is the MFT song still coming?


Will you guys revamp the website and make more cool Mainframe commercials?

No, it’s expensive and we have a different focus.

What are the economic models that can potentially be derived from the MFT token and Mainframe Platform?

Stay tuned. No token swap, but we do want to provide incentives for improvements. Study the Tezos model, and you will be prepared for the coming change.

Which platform are you currently considering if you want to leave Telegram?

I’d love to build my own.

