Proof of Freedom (Phase 2) Deadline Announced

Mick Hagen
Hifi Finance | Official blog
2 min readMar 24, 2018


We continue to see so much amazing content from you on Proof of Freedom phase.. Wow! We’re thrilled with what we’re seeing. It’s clear that so many of you are passionate and engaged with the mission of privacy and freedom. A quick scan of the hashtag #MainframeForFreedom gives you a taste of what I’m talking about.

We’ve been on the road in Asia doing our Airdrops (Phase 1) so we haven’t been as engaged and responsive as we wanted to be on Phase 2 submissions. However, we get back from Asia next week so we’re excited to dig in and really engage with the community on all this amazing content. We are inspired and moved by so much of what’s happening. Thank you!

Deadline for Submission:
Sunday, April 15th, at 10pm PST (California time).

Submission Form:
Submission Form (fill this out before the above deadline)

Once we’re back from Asia we’re excited to highlight more of the community submissions. This is a movement and it wont’ be stopped. Together, we can build something really special. Let’s go!

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