Sheet Heads Progress Report

Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Four months ago, we launched Sheet Heads. We’ve hit several milestones, and now it’s time to review what progress we’ve made, evaluate how we are doing on our original goals, and talk about the future.

Our focus in 2024 is to enable the discovery of Sheet Heads beyond our ecosystem. Our efforts to get discovered include new ad campaigns, exciting monthly giveaways, adding liquidity to popular NFT marketplaces, new community quests, and memes. But first, we reflect on Sheet Head's original objectives.

Tactical Objectives

Hifi needed an NFT collection that it could leverage to be the first through the door with our other ecosystem products. Pawn Bots and now Sheet Heads have provided exactly what we needed to demonstrate these products and how they operate. In addition to meeting our implementation needs, we had larger strategic ambitions for our NFT project.

Strategic Objectives

From our “Laying Groundwork” blog post, we defined success, clearly identified our target customer, and established our growth fundamentals. Success for Sheet Heads is defined as growth beyond the existing audience. Our target customer is Ethereum users because the NFTs are based on the Ethereum Blockchain. The fundamentals that we believe lay down a foundation for our growth are comprehension, resonance, and having a clear visual identity.

  • Comprehension: Emphasizing the need for simplicity so that a broader audience can quickly understand and participate in the collection.
  • Resonance: Ensuring that the collection aligns with the values and interests of the target audience, making it more likely that they will share and promote it.
  • Clear Visual Identity: Creating a distinctive visual identity that stands out, particularly on social media platforms.

Current Progress

We have achieved our tactical objectives but have not seen the same progress on our strategic objectives. Looking at the three fundamentals above, Sheet Heads does well at comprehension and maintaining a clear visual identity but struggles with resonance. So far, we’ve failed to appeal broadly to Ethereum users.

As our team looks across the broader NFT ecosystem, we are proud of what we’ve built. Sheet Heads has more to offer than most NFT projects. At the core of Sheet Heads collection is the deep, accessible liquidity powered by Pooled NFT and Uniswap markets. Our access to liquidity is what sets Sheet Heads apart from every other NFT collection. This is our core strength.

Enabling Discovery

Looking ahead, we have a clear area of focus for Sheet Heads going into 2024. Enable discovery beyond our existing ecosystem. To that end, our team has the following plans for Sheet Heads.

To spark interest in Sheet Heads, we will host various giveaways! To aid in additional discovery, we will run several ad campaigns on crypto-centric websites, deploy liquidity across popular NFT marketplaces (OpenSea & Blur), and publish high-quality memes based on current events. As part of a broader overhaul of our community onboarding, we will develop a series of quests to encourage community members to level up their knowledge and status within our discord. And finally, we will continue to add and support liquidity to markets on Uniswap.

We hope these efforts will bring new attention to Sheet Heads, help it get discovered, and help it stand out as a distinct and unique offering within the NFT space.

We’d love to hear the community’s thoughts on today’s Sheet Heads update along with any ideas on what kind of quests and giveaway prizes you’d like to see in the future. Join us on Discord and Twitter.



Hifi Finance
Hifi Finance | Official blog

(Formerly Mainframe) Fixed-rate borrowing against crypto, giving users instant liquidity to multiply their investment.