The First Ever Physical Airdrops

We literally dropped tokens on people (no one got hurt!)

Mick Hagen
Hifi Finance | Official blog
8 min readApr 10, 2018


TLDR: Phase 1 of our Mainframe Crowdgift is called Proof of Being. We are doing literal airdrops in 25 cities all over the world. We just finished the first five.

We had an amazing experience on our first Airdrop Tour. We had no idea what to expect. Would people show up? Would people care? Would people have an enjoyable time? Would the crazy token-in-balloon idea work?

We were excited. We were nervous. Anybody who has organized an event or party knows the feeling. One event is hard enough. Imagine 5 in the span of 7 days, each venue and culture and community different. Hong Kong. Shanghai. Beijing. Seoul. Tokyo. What an experience. The Mainframe community showed up in droves. The Beijing event had such a large crowd that we were bursting at the seams.

Thank you. 🙏 We are honored and humbled at the response from the community. People clearly care about our mission of privacy and freedom. Together I believe we will be able to change the world for the better.

Below are highlights from each of the first five Airdrops.

Hong Kong Airdrop

Tokens given (people): 196
Value: 39.8 ETH

Hong Kong was our first Airdrop. We were honored to have Jen Wieczner from Fortune in attendance. She wrote an article documenting the historic evening.

Here’s a quick highlight video we quickly edited a few hours after the event.

Our Hong Kong Airdrop Highlight Video

Below is our Instagram Stories during our time in Hong Kong. It’s the more raw footage beyond just the actual Airdrop event — I was mostly the one doing Instagram Stories while Austin/Adam/Clement were getting the higher quality content.

Our Instagram Stories from Hong Kong

Below are a few photos from our Airdrop event in Hong Kong. Thank you Clement Jaquier for the amazing photography during our journey.

We also did a few “pop up” Airdrops in Hong Kong. We would send out a tweet only an hour or so before, and people would show up! Our community really is amazing.

Shanghai Airdrop

Tokens given (people): 318
Value: 52.4 ETH

We had a very quick stop in Shanghai. We didn’t have time to do any “pop up” Airdrops — just the real one! The venue was very different from the others (hotel ballroom) but in terms of raw numbers this was our biggest crowd of all the Airdrops.

Our Shanghai Airdrop Highlight Video

You can view our Shanghai Instagram Story below. We had to pull off some MacGyver-esque tactics to get the net to hold strong to the hotel ballroom ceiling. Did we pull it off? You be the judge.

Our Instagram Stories from Shanghai

Below are a few photos from the Shanghai Airdrop.

Beijing Airdrop

Tokens given (people): 282
Value: 48.8 ETH

The Beijing venue was at a coworking space and a bit smaller. And we had A LOT of people show up. It made for a tighter squeeze but the atmosphere was electric.

Our Beijing Airdrop Highlight Video

Below is our Instagram Story from Beijing. Be sure to watch the part where Austin eats all sorts of interesting critters and creatures in the Beijing street markets.

Our Instagram Stories from Beijing

Below are a few photos from our Beijing Airdrop.

While in Beijing we have a few extra hours to do some sightseeing. We visited the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. We woke up at 4:30am so we could see the Great Wall before our flight to Seoul. It was an amazing experience getting to the wall before all the crowds.

Seoul Airdrop

Tokens given (people): 318
Value: 45.3 ETH

This was all of our first time visiting Seoul. We stayed in the beautiful Gangnam district. It felt clean, safe and modern. The Mainframe community in Korea is strong! We had a beautiful venue and a strong crowd.

Our Seoul Airdrop Highlight Video

Below is our Seoul Instagram Story. Tim Chae (500 Startups) — a great friend and pre-sale participant — took us to an amazing Korean BBQ place the night we arrived. Crazy delicious. We also had a few private, top-secret meetings while in Seoul. 🚀 👨‍🚀

Our Instagram Stories from Seoul

A few photos from the Seoul event.

Tokyo Airdrop

Tokens given (people): 106
Value: 30.4 ETH

Tokyo was amazing. It was the last stop on our first Airdrop tour but it was certainly one of the best. It was an intimate venue which was perfect for the crowd size. One family even came from nearby Russian islands!

Our Tokyo Airdrop Highlight Video

Below is our Tokyo Instagram Story. We had some delicious Ramen and Sushi. We got to visit the world-famous Shibuya Crossing (warning: Austin got super weird!). We also enjoyed some beautiful Cherry Blossoms.

A few photos from our Tokyo Airdrop event.

The first 5 cities are done and in the record books. 🎊 🎈Now for the next 20! Go to our voting page to vote for your city or a city near you. We’re looking forward to meeting more of our community all over the world. Mainframe is nothing without our amazing community. From the bottom of our heart, thank you! 🙏 🙏

The Mainframe Airdrop Squad (from left to right): Austin Craig, Matt Larson, Mick Hagen, Clement Jaquier, Brad Hagen

