Creating an account with Mainline

Preston Tesvich
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2022

Mainline is a platform to assess authenticity and capitalize on organic virality on social media.

Creating an account with Mainline:

Go to

This is our Collections page. Here you will find a variety of real-time conversation maps that we use to have a god-mode view of what’s happening around different topics.

Click the sign-up button in the top right

This will take you to a page to authenticate your project’s Twitter profile

(Note: the Mainline app asks for read access only)

Once authenticated, you will be redirected to your profile page:

Profile pages are where you can view stats on your account– basic metrics on your following, your top followers, associated tags, recent posts, and in which real-time conversation maps your project was recently seen. You can see a more in-depth breakdown of profile pages here:

We’re continuing to build out this page to show advanced metrics on new follower growth, top engagers and overall engagement quality.

