3 Qualities Essential for Employment in the Cannabis Industry

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3 min readSep 12, 2019

Given that this industry is well on its way, many aspirants have been trying to become a part of it. If you’ve been thinking yourself, how do I get into the cannabis industry? The answer is right here in this article!

Due to fierce competition, your objective should be to stand out. You’ll find that your entrance into the cannabis industry will be much smoother with the qualities we mention below. After all, whether you intend to begin as a budtender, grower, or trimmer, there will typically be a mountain of applicants. Your resume and cover letter will be more likely to stand out if it is backed up by the talents and skills we mention below.


Before you begin looking at cannabis industry job postings, it is important that you arm yourself with knowledge of the cannabis industry. Whether you take a proper course for this or do your own studying via the internet, here’s a list of topics to cover about cannabis:

· Laws

· Effects and benefits

· Medical marijuana uses

· Business operations

· Cultivation

· Industry trends


Now that you have covered the education part let us move to some skills for the cannabis industry that you’d need. Most jobs related to cannabis are deadline-driven. If, for example, you have worked a retail sales job before, you’ll already be familiar with how inventory availability, seasonality, and consumer trends can greatly affect how and when you work. If you haven’t already, start by understanding that an ability to go with the flow is something an employer will truly value.

This is true for the cannabis industry because it survives on the mercies of the ebbs and flows of the cannabis market. You’ll find some months where the business may be sluggish. During the remaining months, however, things may get crazy busy. Cannabis users are more likely to consume product during the holidays or when new product releases happen.

So, make sure that you are fully available for irregular work hours, extra hours, on weekends, etc. Cannabis processing and cultivation businesses almost never close for the day.


Employee characteristics and job performance may not state clearly that potential employers look for this quality in candidates, but they do! For one thing, you are going to be a part of a fledgling industry. Therefore, you will find the legalities in the cannabis industry may change at the drop of a hat. Employees who know how to accommodate these modifications and who find innovative solutions to ensure the business goes on will thrive.

Creative employees will do more than just design solutions to such problems. They’d also have to come up with inventive ways to apply technology. It is true that “most” cannabis companies join the race at the same place. But from there, it is the strength and inventiveness of their talent pool that allows them to evolve into industry leaders. Let your potential employers know about any creative experience that you may have. Show them how your proven methods get results, and they will welcome you!

Now that you know a few key personality traits to put on a resume, you are ready for your debut in the cannabis industry. Find other informative posts to add to your marijuana knowledge here!




Educational resource for cannabis industry.