How to Set up an Indoor Grow Room: A Beginner’s Guide

Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2019
How to set up your indoor grow room

Imagine walking through your own indoor forest and being greeted by frosty nugs gently swaying in the ventilator-produced breeze. Whether you are considering growing cannabis commercially or for personal use, those words probably conjured a powerful image. But before you can make it come true, you’ll need to learn how to set up an indoor grow room.

So, where do you begin?

Do you go and choose the lights? Which lamps would be the best for this purpose?

No, wait. You should pick out the nutrients before you do that. Right?

And how exactly will you ensure your cannabis crop is getting the right temperature and humidity?

So, growing cannabis may not really be as easy as it seems. But that is okay because most newbies feel the same way. Don’t let that discourage you, especially because we have the ultimate indoor grow equipment list right here.

Here are the major areas that should have your focus when you start your first grow:


Before working on grow room design plans, start by solving the most important problem. To grow healthy crops with the exactly right chemical makeup, you will need to begin with a reliable seed source. Keep in mind that all your planning and prepping will go to waste if you cannot procure a robust strain because genetics plays a huge role in cannabis growth. Therefore, while it is good to provide the right ambiance to your plants so they can thrive. It is equally important to begin with good, healthy stock.


Grow tents will require an artificial source of light since they are usually created indoors. A foray into the growers’ market will show you fluorescent lighting comes in many shapes and forms. Begin with a compact 24 x 24 x 48-inch growing area. Such a grow tent will be smaller and will be sufficiently illuminated with less expensive grow lights. For larger tents, you will have to utilize grow lights of 600 watts or higher.

Why does the choice of lighting matter? Since you will be harvesting the floral part of your cannabis crops, you should be focused on finding the right source of illumination. The light intensity can increase the number of harvestable flowers.

Although, be careful since direct exposure may cause light burn and damage the buds. Cannabis buds that have been exposed to intense light will face a loss of nearly all of the cannabinoids. It is easy to spot a light-burned bud via certain visual cues. Cannabis foliage changes from green to yellow while the buds become white. In short, shedding the right light can lead to bigger harvests.

Growing Environment

Grow room setup and design matters, but so do the conditions within the grow tent. The ideal climate helps cannabis plants develop into giant individuals. If you can ensure that, your cannabis plants will grow at great speeds.

In the initial stages of growth, your cannabis seedlings will benefit from a temperature range of 72–80°F. You can place seedling heat mats or heaters to maintain the temperature. Watch out for symptoms of heat stress!

Another element of indoor climate that has to be monitored is air circulation. A ventilator ensures good movement of air and moisture both. Air circulation will stimulate stem growth and make them grow thicker and stronger. It will also result in a bigger yield. Connecting a thermostat to the ventilator will also help in maintaining the temperature. When the temperature rises above the recommended range, the ventilator’s exhaust will kick in and bring it back down.

Excess moisture isn’t good for the plants, which is where a good quality dehumidifier will come in handy.


Most first-time growers will sink a lot of their money into buying fancy brands of nutrients and supplements. Certain pricy nutrients will overplay the benefits they have, causing cannabis growers to waste their money. First-timers should stick to simple nutrient systems sold by a trusted nutrient company. You may not know it, but these usually prove great for growing cannabis.

When it comes to adding supplements, it is best to purchase them from the same company. The two products will be compatible and produce great results.

Feeding Type

Finally, when learning how to build a grow room, you should also familiarize yourself with the various growing systems available. While cannabis plants will grow in most types of media, the grow system you choose will also determine the type of nutrients you will provide to them.

The first type commonly used in grow rooms is that of the hydroponic system. These are soil-less systems, so your plants will be growing in a water reservoir. Choose nutrient brands specifically created for hydroponics. But you will have to watch the cannabis plants closely for signs of over-feeding. Moreover, plants growing in hydroponic systems are more susceptible to root rot, so pay attention!

Using a soil-based medium is easier for beginners. The soil is usually replete with nutrients, to begin with. So, you may only have to feed them for around half of their overall lives. Moreover, it is less easy to overfeed your plants in this type of growth medium. The main disadvantage — if it can be called that — of soil-based growth are slower growing plants.

The growing system that straddles the line between soil-based and hydroponic systems is called a Drip System. If you are considering buying one, you will have considerable control over how much nutrients are provided to your plants. Just as in the soil, the plants will soak in nutrients much more easily. But the nutrients will also flow quickly to roots as they do in hydroponics.

In the end, the medium of your choice largely depends on the amount of work you are willing to put into it. If you choose the first one, i.e., hydroponic systems, your plants will require more of your attention. So, choose wisely!

Ready to set up your commercial grow room? Looking for advice on other aspects of cannabis growth, harvest, or packaging? Start browsing everything you will need in one place!

Learn the basics for tracking what you grow here.




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