Meet Tammy Dang—User Experience Researcher at MainStreet

Adam Lehman
Design @ MainStreet
5 min readMar 30, 2022

Please introduce yourself, what do you do at MainStreet, and what were you doing before this?

I’m Tammy, nice to meet you. I love nicknames so feel free to call me what you’d like. Bonus points for creativity. I’m a UX Researcher at MainStreet. Prior to this, I built the research practice from the ground up at another fintech startup.

Where have you lived and which place has been your favorite so far?

Laguna Beach, CA → Kokomo, IN → Tulsa, OK → Washington, DC → Seattle, WA

Of course, my favorite place is Seattle. I’ve been here for 6 years and counting. It’s home now :) This is the city where I met my partner, established a career path, and created a strong community of friends.

What led you to being a UX Researcher?

I ask myself this sometimes. I wanted to be a US diplomat for the longest time. However, the tech space won me over because of the ability to innovate and available resources to solve complex problems. I genuinely love learning about people and being a researcher is very fitting. I always want to know why people behave and think the way they do.

Why did you choose to join MainStreet?

It’s truly because of the design team. I enjoyed meeting everyone during my interview and could tell it was a strong team culture. The mission helps too!

Do you have any pets and if so can we see pictures?

Yes! I have a Pomeranian mix named Blue (after Blue’s Clues). If you’re not a fan of small dogs, I’m almost certain he can make you reconsider. He’s smart, loves fetch, and will disregard your personal space to sit on your lap.

There was a man selling puppies from the back of a truck for $50. Blue is the result of an impulsive buy eight years ago.

Pen or Pencil?

Give me a marker instead. Permanent AND colorful. I love doodling during meetings. It helps me remember more details. I’m sure there’s research to confirm this is a legit technique. I’m a researcher so I should know.

Aside from UX Research, what else are you interested in?

Outside of work, I’m always picking up a new hobby. My current one is learning how to pipe flowers from buttercream frosting. I’m using my friend’s upcoming birthday as a deadline to make a cute cake covered in flowers.

Long-term, I’m learning how to surf. I’m annoyed at how bad I am so it forces me to get into the water until things magically click. I’m waiting for the day where I can hang ten on my board. Not being good at something is a huge motivator for me to keep trying.

What’s one meal you can’t stop thinking about?

Give me a dish of pappardelle al ragu any time, any day. I love wide pastas and noodles.

What is your favorite of the 5 senses? Why?

Sight, for sure. My worst fear is losing my eyesight. This also stems from the fact that I have really bad eyesight. Like, really bad. Thank goodness, contact lenses exist though.

What’s one fact about you that tends to surprise others?

Remember when I mentioned wanting to be a diplomat? I have so many surprising travel stories because of this dream. It led me to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, the USAID offices in Ethiopia, law firms in Dubai, and so on.

One of my fondest memories is receiving a scarf from a Syrian friend. I still have it in my closet. She lost her father from a bombing and had to seek refuge in Jordan. She now spends her time volunteering to help other Syrian refugees.

A movie and/or tv series you’d recommend without hesitation to anyone?

I just finished Insecure! Issa is my favorite as a character and a person. It’s a light-hearted comedy that ends up highlighting social nuances within the Black community. I love so many details about the show and the effort that went into it. Give it a watch and then come back here so we can discuss.

Favorite thing about working at MainStreet?

My co-workers and our customers. The work environment is collaborative and our customers constantly inspire me. I respect the hustle everyone has and it motivates me to dream bigger.

At MainStreet, we aim to save startup founders and small business owners time, money, and peace of mind. Our Design team is a multi-disciplinary group of product designers, researchers, and brand designers.



Adam Lehman
Design @ MainStreet

Brand Design Lead @ MainStreet. Photographer. Watermelon Enthusiast.