What Does a Maintenance Director Do?

World Discover
Maintenance Manager HQ
5 min readMay 17, 2021

In a manufacturing plant or facility, there are different units; however, the maintenance department is the most consequential knowing that is where all operations take place. In this department, there are different heads of maintenance management including maintenance directors and managers, with one being above the other in hierarchy.

Who is a Maintenance Director?

Maintenance operations in an organization is overseen by a superior head called the Maintenance Director. It is the highest position any maintenance staff can attain. This person is in charge of all operational works within the work environment, and directs a maintenance supervisor so that every team member work together for company goals.

A Maintenance Director is also responsible for approving maintenance budget, and setting of goals and strategic initiatives that will help the maintenance unit. Furthermore, they are responsible for setting out policies and standards for maintenance work in correspondence to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

There are 3 types of maintenance directors, and each of them report directly to the vice president of operations, or the organization’s director. They include:

  1. Facilities Maintenance Director — Facilities Management such as Schools, Healthcare centers.
  2. Plant Maintenance Director — Manufacturing Company.
  3. Building Maintenance Director — Property Management like residential and rental buildings.

What are the Responsibilities and Duties of a Director of Maintenance?

Whether a maintenance director works in a facility, a manufacturing plant, or a building, there are roles, responsibilities, and duties to be performed. They include the following:

  • Organizes maintenance programs and training for team development
  • Oversees maintenance supervisors and sets preventive maintenance systems for daily operations
  • Estimates the annual budget for maintenance and equipment upkeep for the month or year
  • Monitors and Ensures the department adhere strictly to OSHA requirements
  • Ensures the organization’s maintenance needs and goals are met
  • Schedules and Directs corrective and preventative maintenance of building systems like HVAC.

What is a Maintenance Director Salary?

A maintenance director is the highest level you can attain in the maintenance department, which means the salary has to be the highest. However, it may vary for some reasons. It may either be due to the location in the United States or other factors like years experience, skills, education level, etc.

For instance, in Los Angeles, the base salary of a maintenance director is $74, 551, while in Washington, it is $75,327. Some earn as much as $110K. The average salary of a director of facilities is $87,866.

Maintenance Director Job Description

The responsibilities of a maintenance director varies from one industry to another. In some cases, you may find the maintenance director, also acting as the supervisor and general manager because everything must be in place for smooth-running operation.

A typical day of a director of maintenance involves:

  • Meeting and Briefing with a maintenance supervisor
  • Reviewing the welfare of every maintenance worker for effective performance
  • Evaluating the state of equipment for operations
  • Assisting in the supervisory of staff and operations
  • Reporting and providing details of maintenance work orders to the director of operations

How to Become a Maintenance Director?

Becoming a full-time maintenance director takes a lot of work, education, and skills. You should also know that these factors are also responsible for how well you will be paid by an organization ready to hire. If you are more than qualified for the role, there is a good chance your salary won’t be less than $75K, depending on the state.

Maintenance Director Skills

  • Organizational and Leadership skills: The most significant skills required to lead a team or group of workers are the organizational and leadership. Being able to delegate tasks and make people work together within an environment is a huge responsibility; however, if you can appeal to their logos, pathos, and ethos, you shouldn’t have any problem. That means, you can easily motivate them to work whenever necessary.
  • Communication skills: Effective communication plays an important role in the coordination of labor, because only with the right words, can you further motivate maintenance personnel to work. It goes hand-in-hand with being a great listener too.
  • Technical skills: Handling maintenance work is technical; if you are to lead a team of maintenance technician, engineers, etc., you should have an idea of what is required. Showing technical prowess breeds more respect and allows workers focus on goals.
  • Analytical and Computer skills: Finally, being a strategic leader means you need analytical skills to solve problems. Likewise, sound computer knowledge in Microsoft apps like Excel will help you while estimating budgets and maintenance costs.

Maintenance Director Education

Since education has an impact in the kind of salary you get as a maintenance director, it is important you have one. If you have a high school diploma, you are good to go, but a degree from a vocational school should further improve your chances. People with a Bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree are at a better advantage because they are highly recognised as the highest levels of education.

If you are thinking of starting a career of directing in a plant or facility maintenance unit, these degrees would help.

Maintenance Director Certifications

Having a professional, technical certification makes everything a lot better. The following management certifications are recognized in job postings:

  • Certified Facilities Manager
  • NAHRO Certified Manager of Property Operations
  • Certified Director of Maintenance and Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the head of the maintenance department?

The maintenance department is a large one, with different heads; however, the Maintenance Director is the overall head. One rare occasions, he is referred to as the Maintenance Manager, since he tends to the welfare of supervisors, technicians, and other maintenance workers.

What is the difference between maintenance and engineering?

Maintenance and Engineering are almost similar, since they are used interdependently in plant-based industries or facilities. However, maintenance is a concise effort put into the working performance of a machine or tool or equipment, so that it stays active always. It also involves the evaluation of parts and identification of potential problems for quick repairs.

Engineering, on the other hand, involves the repairing of damaged parts of a plant machine. It could also involve the setting up of the machine for the task for the day. Most maintenance units have engineers and technicians — that shows there is good division of labor.

What is the difference between a maintenance director and maintenance manager?

On different circumstances, maintenance director has also been used in the stead of maintenance manager. Surprisingly, they mean the same thing because their responsibilities are similar. Some corporate organizations prefer to use maintenance director while those in landscaping or repairs and maintenance procedures use manager.

What does the maintenance team do?

In a maintenance department, there are different workers, with each having their specific tasks in the unit. For instance, you could have technicians, electricians, engineers, plumbers, painters, repairers, etc.

So, if you need help with fixing mechanical tools and equipment, building systems, floor repairs, plumbing, electricity, there is always someone to call. Moreover, the essence of having a team of skilled labor is to ensure organization goals are met without hindrance.

What is the maintenance department’s goal?

The chain of command in a manufacturing company is a long one; however, the most work is done by the department of maintenance. They only have one goal: ensuring the reliability of optimal assets for operations. These assets are basically equipment or machines used in production. The assets may encounter problems or failure at some point; it is the responsibility of the maintenance team to ensure it works under different sets of conditions.

Final Thoughts

The role of a director of maintenance is a big one, and whoever will take up the task must be ready for a lot of work, since it involves team coordination. If you are ready to take up this job as a career, you should get started with getting the required degrees and certifications.



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Maintenance Manager HQ

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