Rebirth beyond birth…

Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2023

Suppose we unnecessarily called someone an idiot and several others have also called the same person idiot. Being humiliated and irritated, he will walk as a volcano which can erupt at any moment. Someone rubs him off the wrong way, he’ll punch them and in the fist he makes to punch, we are reborn as the energy of one of his finger.

We often think that we have to wait until we die to be reborn. But only recently I realised that we are reborn each moment in others and we continue as our thoughts, words and deeds, in our friends and everyone we meet. What happens at the end of our life is only one such ordinary instance of rebirth. We need to ask ourselves where do “we” end? At our tongue producing the word “idiot”? At the last vibration of air molecule before it enters others ear? At our mind that concocts the thoughts? Where? We can’t find a definitive answer upon deep reflection.

The words and thoughts that our mind produces aren’t different from the cells our body produces. They both are one and the same. Mind, body and matter are three convenient separations we made for ease of reference but they are the same. When we offer loving speech to someone, we can also be reborn as one of the muscles in their face that produces a smile. And that continues further in the happy deeds he or she might do. Our words and thoughts go far away. We care so much about the next life and we want to take rebirth in godly realms. But here we have a chance to take rebirth right away. As compassion, kindness and joy or as hatred, anger, fear and despair.

Through your words and deeds, I ask of you, can you take rebirth as a kiss offered by the mother to her child, as a reassuring pat offered by a friend to another friend, as a flower that inspires someone to not end his life?




Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all

Independent researcher | Interdisciplinary approaches @ Foundations of Sciences, Philosophy & Deep Ecology | Albert Einstein Fellow (Caputh) 2021