Replenishing the fire within…

Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2024

When you use a bellow to make a fire, you know that sometimes fire goes away leaving embers behind. Yet if you were to use the bellow diligently and in a focused way, you can get the glowing fire back.

In almost all ancient Asian traditions, people knew that life-force is sort of a fire. Our cells are burning to produce energy and heat within. Yet if we chattered mindlessly for very long, or dwelled for long on some unwholesome emotion, the fire within starts to vanish leaving tiredness and despair behind.

It is not too late. Like a skilful fire maker, who leaves everything behind and just focuses on pumping the bellow, we can pause everything we are doing and use our lungs as bellows to mindfully pump air back into the fire of life.

Closing our eyes gently, visualise lungs as a beautiful bellows pumping air into our being. Breathe in and out thrice and produce a smile when you see the beautiful fire of life getting replenished within~




Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all

Independent researcher | Interdisciplinary approaches @ Foundations of Sciences, Philosophy & Deep Ecology | Albert Einstein Fellow (Caputh) 2021