Word that weighs a million tonnes~

Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2024

In Ancient times, there are sages and monks who never misused their faculty of speech. When they had to speak and spoke even a single word, it weighed a million tonnes and had an immediate positive effect on the listeners. This is certainly true.

Many of us sincerely wish to express ourselves but often we encounter disagreements and scenarios where we feel our words have no value — even our screams! We always strive and work it out at the listener’s side by re-expressing ourselves again and again, but each time it makes it worse. Task is to not just use our speech more to convince but rather to also look within. Did we generally misuse our speech? Did we speak something meaning something else? Do we usually lie? Do we gossip?

Lying is generally cured by words. But if we lie to words themselves, what can cure it? This is a collective issue that needs collective awakening. We need to reclaim and replenish the power of our words again. We need to repent and practice cultivating right speech that is sincere and always remains perfectly harmonious with our thoughts and deeds. We may fail, time and again, but as long as we are on the path, we need not fear.

When our mouths heal and regain their fragrance, when words start to ooze from the depths of our being, the power of such sincere words are inconceivable. They can melt mountains of misunderstanding and exhaust forest fires of rage. They transcend the very calculus of space and time. It is my greatest conviction that a sincere word always begets a response from heavens!




Shyam Wuppuluri
Maitri for all

Independent researcher | Interdisciplinary approaches @ Foundations of Sciences, Philosophy & Deep Ecology | Albert Einstein Fellow (Caputh) 2021