January Prompt: Resolutions, Metamorphosis

Vlai Ly
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2019

“Near the end of its growth cycle, the caterpillar consumes many times its own weight in a single day. Then, the caterpillar finds a branch from which to hang, and its skin molts off, leaving a glistening chrysalis. Inside this hard-shelled pupa, the old caterpillar identity starts breaking down. ‘Imaginal-cells’ of the ‘butterfly-to-be’ emerges and struggles with the caterpillar’s immune system. By clustering together, the imaginal cells overwhelm the collapsing caterpillar and feed on its remains as nutrition.

An original creation forms from inside the chrysalis with an entirely new nervous system, digestive system, heart, legs, and wings. The butterfly must squeeze out from its protective shell in order to force fluids from its thorax into its wings. Without this final struggle the butterfly cannot survive. The butterfly’s miraculous metamorphosis and powerful will to emerge into the light has come to symbolize the journey of the soul.”

- Alex Grey, Net of Being

The start of a new year presents us with an opportunity to become better than we were last year. This evolutionary process from our old self to a new self is symbolized through the caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly.

For this month’s prompt, tell us of a metamorphosis that you or someone has taken that changed them for the better. This can be a resolution that you’ve committed yourself to for 2019, a metamorphosis you’ve tackled in the past, or the story of a journey filled with struggle, triumph, or tragedy that befalls a character.

All submissions should be in before January 25th. Your stories will be shared on the publication and Facebook page shortly after the editors have reviewed and published your story.



Vlai Ly

Taking photos and writing poems + stories in Massachusetts. Hmong American. Editor-in-Chief for maivmai. TELL YOUR STORY.