Rooted: Anthropology

Pachia Lucy Vang
Published in
1 min readMay 7, 2018

I’ll spend my years stealing knowledge from people of color, building up my resume to be seen as wise, a rich woman, while the people I learned from stay where they are, never getting the accolades they lay seed to, watered by the beauty they hide behind the world’s judgement of their ghettos, diseases, and crimes. That is what I’d do. My friends called it the white man’s gaze, a study rooted in colonialism. I just saw it as a way to find my culture, lost in the midst of acculturation. But those who studied it said it must’ve been easy for me since I was just studying myself.

Hmoob nyob Xieng Khouang Province, Laos, 1920s.

Sometimes, when I feel light, I wonder if building a bridge and being one actually does something good for the world that makes it a better place in some strange and non-superficial kind of way.

It’s the light that keeps me going.

