Got used to your password?

One of the most critical data breaches has been discovered by a security researcher. The incident appears to be a compilation of multiple leaks which have already taken place in recent years and might even date back to 2008. Those who were affected by previous information violations and didn’t take measures to secure their personal details could have been impacted this time. Although new data got breached alongside — according to researchers about 140 million emails intact before were dragged into the folder.

87 GB of personal details streamed down a MEGA cloud service straight to a hacking forum. Almost 773 million email addresses and about 22 million unique passwords were compromised.

Hashing, the misfunction of which undermines password safety, has been cracked.

Oklahoma Securities Commission has experienced a major data leak which covered a significant time period affecting emails created 17 years ago and FBI investigations, including interviews and transaction histories, launched 7 years ago as well as thousands of Social Security numbers.

The exposed files were stored online with no access limitations. Millions of records weren’t secured with a password. The incident causes a major concern taking into consideration that the agency is liable for setting business regulations and controlling compliance with them.

The organisation compromised governmental data and put at risk the state network providing it with primitive password protection.

Check your data, change your password — simplest basic precautionary measures get neglected shortly before a breach happens due to disregard for them.



Alex Parfentiev
Major threats to your business: human factor

Leading Analyst at, I’m here to address those human factor risks many businesses often neglect or aren’t even aware of