
Ensuring safety in different industries

Many hospitality and tourism organizations are not as concerned about audit and risk management as, for example, banks or manufacturers are, due to the need to keep plans classified. Nevertheless, the hospitality industry is also highly vulnerable and faces a wide range of threats ranging from property risks to legal issues and data privacy breaches.

Risk management for travel and hospitality companies should take the following into account:

  • personnel proficiency and productivity control, considering that the leisure and hospitality sector faces shortages of experienced employees
  • client feedback monitoring and force majeure situations management
  • automating record keeping
  • impeccable regulatory compliance
  • continuous technological progress
  • personal data access control

Worksite evaluation should be conducted continuously to ensure that employees are aware of corporate policies and that the services being provided actually protect clients’ interests.

The leisure industry poses a serious challenge to organizations. They have to provide customized service and stay up-to-date in supplying clients with state-of-the-art technologies and gadgets while keeping all the personal details properly guarded.

IoT makes remote control easy and identity recognition quick — register, check in, optimize your settings and learn about new opportunities. You only need to enter your personal information or use your smartphone, which ultimately results in exposing your data all over the world while travelling.

The introduction of stringent regulations that would make the hospitality industry protect clients’ personal details and would fine organizations during routine checks is needed to improve risk management programs.

Special software gives you the framework for monitoring employee activity and auditing enhancement. The solution will help you fix governance processes — systematic reviews identify management inefficiencies and determines areas requiring attention.

The product provides tools for:

  • Business assets control (monitoring service providers’ resources and guests’ property usage)
  • Liability management
  • Personal data safety (passports, certificates, scans of documents protection)
  • Detecting scams and employee negligence

Passport scans can also be misapplied by violators:

  • In fraudulent schemes
  • To commit identity theft
  • To commit blackmail
  • To use personal information to benefit from it (to pass ID verification or register)



Alex Parfentiev
Major threats to your business: human factor

Leading Analyst at, I’m here to address those human factor risks many businesses often neglect or aren’t even aware of