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I Challenge You To A Duel!

A quick guide to getting satisfaction

Michael Major
Published in
7 min readMay 1, 2023


I think that Mick Jager said it best:

I can’t get no satisfaction.

Long before any of us were born, if you felt that you had been wronged, there was a surefire method of defending your honour and getting that satisfaction you feel that you deserve.

A good old-fashioned duel.

The act of duelling had largely disappeared by the beginning of the twentieth century, so anyone reading this has hopefully never faced off against their nemesis in ceremonial combat.

Challenging a rival in a fight with either pistols or swords would never fly in the 21st century. With an overwhelming majority of participants being men of the aristocracy and upper classes, duelling would be rightly considered a prime case study in toxic masculinity today.

That being said, there are a few individuals I wouldn't mind meeting at dawn with sabres in hand. Fortunately, we are all living in the wrong century for that.

So hypothetically speaking, how would one get some satisfaction through a duel?


The purpose of this article is for information purposes only, and hopefully, a little bit of humour is thrown in…



Michael Major
Major Thoughts

Freelance writer, avid outdoorsman, husband, father, and a proud veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces