Making a dent in the universe — a new DAO model

MAJR Creators
MAJR Creators Blog
4 min readApr 20, 2022


Creating gravity — Enter MAJR DAO.

NFTs are gravity engines.

NFTs can immediately galvanize a new or existing community with a simple application or idea. When users mint or purchase an NFT, they’re spending a unique form of digital energy — ETH — and bonding themselves to this idea.

Ideas need energy.

Ideas are knowledge and knowledge is matter. Humans have evolved to capture knowledge and leverage it to create new knowledge. Something from nothing is created.

Any creative person — an artist or a visionary entrepreneur knows what it feels like to be captivated by an idea. It’s all consuming.

If the idea is nurtured with time and energy, it continues to live and evolve. At a certain point, the idea jumps from individual knowledge to public knowledge.

Enter NFTs.

NFTs allow creators and entrepreneurs to capture lightning in a bottle. They create an opportunity for others to seamlessly contribute their energy to a specific idea encapsulated in a NFT.

The NFT is special because it provides an improved vehicle for energy transfer — fast and efficient with minimal leakage or blockage.

Digital energy — ETH — NFT Gamma.

The transfer of a digital scarce asset that leverages reflexive incentive structures and high volatility has the potential to propel the idea into an accelerated evolution.

A deflationary asset like ETH provides constant renewable energy that’s infinite, circular and explosive. If harnessed appropriately, the idea can evolve and thrive into something like a blackhole that attracts everything it touches.

Design matters.

The first law of thermodynamics — “law of conservation of energy,” states that energy can neither be created or destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another.

When you think about how most NFTs are designed today — they excite a community and attract digital energy in the form of ETH. The energy is removed immediately on transfer or it slows down into a less useful and imbalanced form.

Generally, the ETH or energy is transferred to just one creator or company that takes the majority of the ETH and removes it from the system. In the worst case scenario, the obvious example is a “rug pull.”

However, most NFT mints or purchases remove the majority of the energy to a dev team and then stores the remaining energy in single or community wallet. Imagine a hourglass on its side. The energy is separated and the flow stops.

The NFT holders are still tethered to the idea or project, however a large part of the energy is either removed or severed from its original high potential circular environment.

Keep it moving — Enter MAJR DAO.

A better design would allow for the digital energy to keep moving and attract more energy to flow into the idea or project. Incentives matter. Mutual growth and digital ownership are the ultimate incentives for web3.

MAJR DAO’s core mission is to help the members accumulate digital assets via blockchain enabled video applications.

Incentive structures that strengthen trust and empower the community will help deliver on the core mission — community digital asset accumulation.

A flywheel of value and mutual growth that ultimately drives success for MAJR DAO and the web3 video applications.

Creating gravity with ETH.

Digital energy in the form of ETH has gravity like characteristics and if enough ETH is compounded together, more ETH is likely to follow. For this reason, MAJR ID NFT mints, transfer the majority of ETH (currently set at 90%) to the application users via an earning mechanism and the MAJR DAO community treasury.

A new DAO model.

While this model is different, it’s actually more aligned with the ethos of web3 — user ownership. MAJR DAO and the MAJR ID NFTs are at the center of the application suite. Each application directly drives value for the MAJR DAO community regardless of the application’s target audience. This only drives more demand for the IDs, and therefore more value to the MAJR DAO community.

By leading with utility and unlocking value with creative design; the community can build bridges that leverage digital assets to create new experiences for what it means to be a token holder.

NFTs are novel tools that can bend space and time to accelerate the creation of digital energy loops or — ETH loops. The circular movement of ETH compounds on itself and rewards users and token holders with more ETH.

As more users gain exposure to ETH and are rewarded with more ETH, the more new users the community is likely to attract and therefore more ETH is driven to the community.

Once the loop starts, it’s hard to stop and it accelerates with scale. As the community scales and focuses on the mission — trust is ultimately created.

Trust is like gravity — a natural phenomenon that pulls people and ideas closer together. And, just like gravity, trust is necessary to dent the universe.

Welcome to the MAJR DAO community.

