Her Name is His Poetry

Jhemylunne Jed Dalma
Makata Collections
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2017

Our first kiss
Wasn’t like
How I dreamt it to be.
Maybe I just suck
At doing it
That it felt like
A wrong key
To a silver lock.

Our second were like
statics to a British movie,

so damn interrupted,
all I want is stop doing things
we weren’t meant to do.

And our seventh,
I pinned her body
Against the wall,
And paint words
Not all can read
For she is exactly how
Something you wouldn’t
Appreciate the first time
You land your eyes,

But when every words
Just like stars,
Formed a constellation
You were able to fathom,
You’ll be in awe,
Of how lucky you are
To be in her arms.

Thank you for reading! :)

