Makata Collections
Published in
1 min readJul 30, 2018



Here we go again!

Another fish caught in the bait

Entered the scorpion’s den

Unaware of it’s venomous tail

I left the previous one with some storms,

And now,a new one to catch what remains.

Because under this new tropical climate…

A cyclone is sure to develop

No matter how much these fishes can swim

My troubled waters will make them suffocate

Wounded + wounded should never be a match

For one may heal and go and the other to be attached

That’s why I set up boundaries

That’s why I knock down expectations

Not for myself but for the one who…

For the one who’s planning to be a temporary part of my life

To see my jagged and roughest sharp edges

Of how this good of a face

Can summon hell unto earth.

This is just a fair warning

So proceed with caution.

