She Hates Love

Daniel Roxas
Makata Collections
Published in
1 min readAug 21, 2018

She hates the fast heartbeat she gets from me

She hates our exchange of words

She kills the butterflies in her stomach

She wants to forget she’d once been Cupid’s victim

All because of a broken heart

A shattered piece of her

Had made her stop believing the supernatural

The little pain had made her alien to the language of the world

She yells at me for I make her feel all these

She beats me for I make her forget about her scars

She hurts me because I set her heart free

She kills me for I erase all the brokenness in her heart

She’s calloused and hurt from the darkness of the past

Now I live with her pain, now I suffer

Now I’m scarred and tired, a target of harm

Who’s the next victim?

