The Last Chance

Daniel Roxas
Makata Collections
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2017
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She opened the door, filling the room with her scent that used to be my room’s perfume.

She gazed over her shoulders, trying to find where I was seated. Her innocent and young eyes remind me of our first date. Flashbacks of the first days of our relationship came flooding in, leaving me still for minutes. The way her eyes always gleamed is what always makes me fall over and over again. Her hair that flows like a river from her head to her waist that takes me to a whole new world.

The restaurant was teeming with people who were so caught up in their own worlds. Voices and noises from everywhere drowned my voice as I was calling her name. Then her body turned to my direction and I finally caught her attention.

As she was walking to our table, beads of sweat formed on my forehead and nose. It just felt like our first date.

‘Hey, good morning’, she said in a cheerful manner, with a wide smile sketched on her face.

‘Good morning Avery, how are you?’ I responded with a nervous grin.

Nervousness could be felt in the air but I tried to keep breathing as calmly as I could manage.

‘I want to talk about us.’ She stated

‘What is it?’ I answered, expecting what she was going to say.

‘Lately, I have been feeling unwell and I think I just need a break’ she muttered, her voice almost inaudible.’


‘I want to break up with you’ she continued,

‘I just need some space and time to think on my own’ her shaking voice was becoming quieter and quieter.

‘So we’re over?’ I said, as a hump was forming under my throat.

Suddenly, all I could think of was all the memories that have been made over the two years, the songs that we wrote and sang together, and the places that used to be our favorite spots.

My eyes got moist; I could feel the warmth of my body increasing.

She was apologetic and her face showed that.

‘Maybe, you could think about it first’ I pleaded, in the most normal way I could manage to show

‘All this time you’ve been feeling unhappy but you never told me anything about it,’ I continued, still trying to hold back the tears, but the feeling of regret and sorrow was becoming more and more evident every passing second.

‘Maybe you’re right, maybe I need to think about it first, you deserved to know it but I never told you, I’m sorry.’ She uttered.

‘So, does that mean you could give me another chance?’ I said, with a smile and the shaking voice has gone.

‘Do you think giving you another chance would change my mind?’ she asked plainly.

‘Yes, I’ll prove you that I deserve you and I’ll try to make it up to you.’ I responded with courage and hope to get a positive response.

‘Okay, we’ll see what happens. I’ll give ‘us’ a chance but if it doesn’t work this time, we’ll need to say goodbye to each other.’ She demanded with a strong voice.

My eyes glowed with joy as the words were coming out of her mouth.

Falling in love with her also meant being obsessed with who she is. To lose her has always been what I’ve been trying to avoid and it’s something that my heart could never take.

Weeks have passed and things seemed to have gotten a lot better, though I could only see her three times a week, for unknown reasons.

Also, her parents have restricted her to stay out at night.

‘Why did your parents suddenly forbade you to stay late with me, I mean you’re old enough and they trust me right?’ I interrogated.

‘No, it’s not about you, my parents just want to spend more time with me. Also can I have your phone?’ She explained.

I handed my phone to her still not knowing what she wanted to do.

She clicked some buttons and handed me back my phone.

‘Why? What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing, I just wanted to see if you received my messages last night.’ She stuttered.

‘Oh yes I did.’

‘Let’s go to the park?’ She requested

That park was where we first saw each other, as strangers. It is a very special place for us.

Avery is a very simple girl, not wanting anything excessive in life. She finds joy in the smallest things in life, and that’s what I love about her the most.

That day, she seemed so strange, but in a positive way. She wanted us to go to our special restaurants and spots. So we did.

‘You hate walking too much don’t you?’ I asked with a chuckle.

‘I do, but I just feel like reminiscing all our memories together.’ She responded.

A week has passed; she sent me a message that she couldn’t make it to our date.

All this time, I’ve been noticing weird changes in her, and it left me wondering why her parents suddenly gave her a curfew.

My mind keeps telling me that there might be a bigger problem, but I discarded the idea because her parents would inform me about it if there was any real problem. Lately, I haven’t been hearing anything from them.

I am the first person her mother would inform if they needed any help or if Avery was in bad condition.

Another week has passed; she still didn’t make it to our date. She apologized to me in a message and assured me that everything was fine, they were just visiting their relatives in a city miles away from ours, so she would be gone for another week.

The park was so full of people, children, families, adults. All I needed was her.

A guy rushed towards me, I could barely recognize the face but I was sure that he was running so fast to me.

‘John! Avery is in the hospital. That’s what I heard from her brother.’ Kevin, Avery’s brother’s friend told me, panting for breath.

‘Hospital? What happened?’

‘Did she not tell you? The doctor found out that she has a brain tumor a month ago. ‘He explained as he was trying to catch his breath.

‘What? No one told me about it! Not even her mom. Can you come with me?’ I asked him to drive us to the hospital.

I felt betrayed and fooled but at the same time worried for her. Things are still not clear for me.

Why did no one tell me?

We rushed to her room, bumping to strangers in the hallway.

A month has passed and I don’t know anything?

I barged into the room, going straight for her. I was appalled by the scene I saw.

I don’t know anyone in the room. Oh God.

I looked over my shoulder to see that guy.

‘Man. What are you saying? Do you even know me?’ I asked. Shocked.

‘Wait, are you John Atlas?’

‘So you walked up to me not sure who I am?’

‘Yeah, apparently. But that is Avery.’


I ran as fast as I could and called Avery.

She told me everything and the next day, we saw each other again.

All I thought was our last chance — I realised — was all just caused by anxiety and this random weird guy.

‘Ave, how are you?’

‘I’m good, just got back from our aunt’s place a few miles away.’

‘Something really weird happened when you were gone.’

‘Let’s take a walk and tell me everything.’ She said, with her smile again.

I took her hand and strolled around, laughing off our asses.

Thank you for reading!

