
What is Love?

Dian A.
Makata Collections
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2017


Remind yourself of this everyday.

Love is a choice.

Love is a constant choice. When you wake up in the morning and watch this beautifully crafted person slumber infront of you. Appreciation is a choice.

Love is a choice. Coming home and wanting to see the same person you first lay your eyes on in the morning. Longing is a choice.

Love is a choice. When countless stupid decisions and faults have been made but you still forgive them for what they have done. You always look at the good more than the bad. Absolution is a choice.

Love is a choice. When you start missing plans and dates because you get caught up in work, until you lose sight of what is more important. Desertation is a choice.

Love is a choice. When you get straight up in the morning without even glancing at them. Certainty is a choice.

Love is a choice. When you talk about the same old things or do not even talk at all. It has become a routine that, everything you do has become customary. Prevalence is a choice.

Love is a choice.

When everything now becomes a question. The uncertainty lies beneath your feelings, your partner. Everything is sitting on top of a now thin rope between you both.

It is widely acknowledged without being said, as it screams its existence in the placid noise in the air.

And then you look at this person. This person you can perfectly recognize yet not know. You look at their hands and you see these fingers you used to hold. You look at them again in the eyes, hoping to see something, to feel something. You try to search for it, look for it. Yet maybe, like both of your stars which used to align so flawlessly, you have found yourselves light, light years away from one another until the distance between the both of you have grown wider than the universe you are in, until you try to reach but cannot seem to get to.

Yet maybe, like both of your stars which used to align so flawlessly, you have found yourselves light, light years away from one another until the distance between the both of you have grown wider than the universe you are in, until try to reach but cannot seem to get to.

So even if you could recognize all the lines, the wrinkles that have grown throughout the years you have been together, the unfamiliarity of who you are staring at becomes more evident. And right then and there, you are reminded that love is a choice. It is just as literal as any other choices you make every day, no matter how facile it is.

Staring at them now blankly with no emotions, love nor hatred, you choose to stay and fight for that dulling love. For love is a choice you will have to do for them, to work for them.

And it becomes the greatest constant choice you will have to make every day.

