
A letter to a special friend that I will never send.

Daniel Roxas
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2017


Hi, it’s been a while and I miss you so bad. It’s been months since I last had the chance to see your face. You’re all I could think of these past months; you’ve been the subject of my poems, thoughts and daydreaming. You don’t know how much I adore you and you never will.

My adoration and admiration for you are secrets I know I have to keep forever, for I know that I don’t stand a chance to be the one to make your heart beat. While I write this letter, my mind is filled with memories and pictures of you, and moments that I always relive.

I consider myself lucky to have been able to spend time with you and see your face every day for months. In those months, I’ve tried to shake the feeling away, but I just ended up pretending and faking them. I tried every single thing to get you off my mind, but you always win. I guess the term is love, true love at that. The day you came, I knew there was something different in you and I was not mistaken about that. You are different from others in so many ways, ways that my words wouldn’t probably be able to fully describe. Since day one, I’ve been observing you and watching every change that happens to you. Your smile that cheers me up even in my bluest days is what I’ll always miss.

I’ve been your biggest fan, though I might have never shown it. I was there, watching every step that you were taking. Hoping that you would win your battles. I want to let you know how honoured I am to have been with you and talk to you even for a few minutes in a day. I may. never be the one to hold your hand or be the person you’d end up with, but I’ll always be happy for you.

To see you smile and laugh and happy completes my day, for it assures me that you receive the love and care you deserve. The love that I wish I’d been given the chance to show you. In your eyes, I’m just a friend, but to me you are one of the best gifts I’ve received in 2016. The gift that I can never call mine. The gift that will always be someone else’s. I don’t know what you have that others don’t, but no matter how hard and how I badly want to forget my feelings for you, nothing happens. You’ve always been the one. You’ll always be the one.

I heard that you found the person you’ve been looking for, and that broke my heart. To know that it will forever remain a dream has been giving me pain more than I imagined it would.

I wish I could personally give you this letter but I know that sounds ridiculous.

For you’re like a star that I can only see but I could never touch or reach.

I wish you to be happy with whoever it is that owns the key to your heart but always know that I’m here for you whenever you need me.

Yours sincerely,

Your friend.

Thank you for reading!

