Not Taking Part

David Brownstein
Make a Sound
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2016

When I was little, I went to a friends house who had a pool with a bunch of other kids for swimming lessons. I had a natural affinity for water but there were a few in our group who would stay in the shallow end and be very hesitant to swim with the instructor. One phrase our swimming instructor said to those nervous boys in their water wings stuck with me. He said,

“Come on! Pools can’t swim themselves!”

As grammatically jumbled this sentence might be, there’s merit in the sentiment. The things that fill us most with fear and trepidation cannot be moved or altered without our involvement. Name a topic…government, health, bullying, relationships. The first reaction most of us take is to see the size of the mountain ahead, and immediately stop yourself from participating.


Every person I work with, whether in groups or in one on one sessions, I constantly encourage them to ask questions about what the topic we are discussing is really about. I tell them they have to take part in finding the underlying reasons something is important to them. Brushing away your troubles just allows them to pile up in the corner of your mind. I guarantee you, at some point that pile will become too unmanageable to contain.

You must take an active part in your life.

Unless you participate how can you know how the game is played let alone what the game is at all?

You learn about your abilities by testing your abilities.

Pools can’t swim themselves.



David Brownstein
Make a Sound

David is a performer, entrepreneur, follower of the Peter Pan Philosophy, creator of the Make a Sound movement and dog owner.