Why are we so afraid to speak to each other?

David Brownstein
Make a Sound
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2016

This is a question that perplexes me because as a country their has never been a better time where our words can be used to save lives.

I am not here to spout a philosophy about how our words speak louder than our actions. I think the daily monologues written on social media pages and blogs can be cathartic and allow individuals filled with pain and confusion an outlet to release it. But words must be backed up with deeds, otherwise it’s just fodder for thought.

So now you’ve done it…you have taken up with an organized group that shares your ideas and wants to engage them in a public forum. You go to the agreed public place ready to express your ideas and lo and behold…right across from you in the same public space is a group diametrically opposed to your cause.

Now What?

Well if media representations are any clue…you would most likely encounter this..

Now What?

This is the crossroads we find ourselves in. Two sides of an argument that now have no ways of communicating with each other. It’s whoever can get to righteous island first and with the loudest sailing vessel wins.

It cannot come to this. Our fear of addressing our issues face to face with those who oppose us leads to nothing but more misunderstanding and anger. Slinging verbal arrows at each other from our keyboards will not fill the divide we keep digging.

We must bring action and words. When we do..this happens



David Brownstein
Make a Sound

David is a performer, entrepreneur, follower of the Peter Pan Philosophy, creator of the Make a Sound movement and dog owner.