10 Common Mistakes in Android App Development and How to Avoid Them

Jaykishan Sewak
Make Android
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2023
Photo by Santa Barbara on Unsplash

Hey folks, so far we have been looking around Android features, their advantages and many other things, today we will look around common mistakes that developers make while developing, also we will also look at some prevention techniques to avoid them. So let’s get started!!

Developing Android applications can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour. However, it’s easy for developers to fall into common pitfalls that can impact the performance, usability, and overall success of their apps. In this article, we’ll explore 10 mistakes often made by Android developers and provide practical examples and prevention techniques.

1. Ignoring Memory Leaks

Mistake: Failing to release references to objects can lead to memory leaks, causing increased memory usage and potential app crashes.

Prevention: Use `WeakReference` for object references, and be diligent in releasing resources, especially in long-lived components like `Activity` or `Fragment`.

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var myObject: MyObject? = MyObject()
override fun onDestroy() {
myObject = null // Release reference to avoid memory leak

2. Overlooking Device Fragmentation

Mistake: Designing UI without considering various screen sizes and resolutions can result in a poor user experience on different devices.

Prevention: Use responsive layouts, and test your app on various devices to ensure proper scaling and layout.

<! - Using layout weights for responsiveness →
android:text="Hello, World!" />

3. Disregarding Background Tasks

Mistake: Performing time-consuming operations on the main thread can result in UI freezes and a poor user experience.

Prevention: Use background threads, Kotlin Coroutines, or AsyncTask for heavy tasks to keep the UI responsive.

// Using Kotlin Coroutines for background tasks
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val data = fetchDataFromNetwork()
with context(Dispatchers.Main) {

4. Neglecting Battery Efficiency

Mistake: Running services without considering battery consumption can lead to quick battery drain.

Prevention: Utilize JobIntentService for periodic tasks and be mindful of background processes.

// Using JobIntentService for battery-efficient periodic tasks
val serviceIntent = Intent(context, MyJobIntentService::class.java)
MyJobIntentService.enqueueWork(context, serviceIntent)

5. Ignoring Security Best Practices

Mistake: Storing sensitive information without proper encryption or using insecure communication methods.

Prevention: Use Android Keystore for secure storage, implement HTTPS for network communication, and follow secure coding patterns.

// Using Android Keystore for secure storage
val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore")
val key = keyStore.getKey("myKeyAlias", null)

6. Skipping Unit Testing

Mistake: Neglecting to write unit tests can lead to more bugs and make it difficult to maintain the codebase.

Prevention: Write comprehensive unit tests to ensure code correctness and catch issues early in the development process.

// Writing a unit test to ensure correct addition
fun testAddition() {
assertEquals(4, add(2, 2))
fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b

7. Not Optimizing Images

Mistake: Including large and uncompressed images in the app can increase download size and affect performance.

Prevention: Optimize images and use libraries like Glide or Picasso for efficient image loading and caching.

<! - Using optimized images with Glide library →
app:srcCompat="@drawable/small_image" />

8. Ignoring User Feedback

Mistake: Failing to address user reviews and feedback can result in a decline in-app ratings and user satisfaction.

Prevention: Actively engage with users, respond to feedback, and continuously iterate on the app based on user input.

// Collecting and responding to user feedback
val feedback = getUserFeedback()

9. Inadequate Error Handling

Mistake: Not handling errors robustly can lead to crashes and a poor user experience.

Prevention: Anticipate potential errors, handle exceptions gracefully, and provide meaningful error messages to users.

// Robust error handling with the Elvis operator
val result = riskyOperation()
val value = result ?: defaultValue // Handle nullability

10. Overlooking Accessibility

Mistake: Accessibility is often an afterthought, excluding users with disabilities and resulting in a less inclusive app.

Prevention: Design with accessibility in mind, follow accessibility guidelines, and use tools to test your app’s accessibility.

<! - Adding content descriptions for accessibility →
android:contentDescription="Send Message"
android:text="Send" />

By being aware of these common mistakes and implementing the suggested prevention techniques, developers can create more robust, efficient, and user-friendly Android applications. Remember that learning from challenges and staying informed about best practices is key to successful Android development.

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Jaykishan Sewak
Make Android

Mobile Lead | Android Tech Lead at HSBC | Flutter | MVVM | JetPack Compose | kotlin | Medium blog writer | GitHub Contributor