Mastering Jetpack Compose: Best Practices and Architectural Patterns

Reza Ramesh
Make Android
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2023

Jetpack Compose has taken the Android development world by storm since its introduction. It’s a modern, intuitive, and declarative UI toolkit that simplifies the process of building user interfaces for Android applications. While Compose provides an excellent foundation for UI development, it’s essential to follow best practices and adopt sound architectural patterns to ensure your project’s maintainability and scalability. In this article, we will explore the best architecture for Jetpack Compose, complete with examples and explanations.

Why Architectural Patterns Matter

Before diving into the specific architectural patterns, let’s understand why they are crucial in Jetpack Compose development.

  1. Maintainability: As your project grows, maintaining and extending your code becomes challenging. Architectural patterns help structure your codebase, making it more organized and understandable, thus easing maintenance.
  2. Scalability: A well-defined architecture ensures that your application can adapt to future requirements and accommodate new features without massive code changes.
  3. Testability: Architectural patterns often promote separation of concerns, making it easier to write unit tests for your code.
  4. Collaboration: When working in a team, a common architectural pattern provides a shared understanding of how to structure the code, leading to smoother collaboration.

MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)

The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern is a popular choice for Jetpack Compose applications. It promotes the separation of concerns, making it easier to manage the UI logic, data, and presentation.

Key Components:

  1. Model: Represents the data and business logic of your application.
  2. View: Represents the UI components.
  3. ViewModel: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and View, holding UI-related data and logic.


Here’s a simplified example of MVVM in Jetpack Compose:

// Model
data class Task(val id: Int, val title: String, val completed: Boolean)

// ViewModel
class TaskViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _tasks = MutableLiveData<List<Task>>()
val tasks: LiveData<List<Task>> = _tasks

init {

private fun loadTasks() {
// Fetch tasks from a repository or network call
val tasksList = // ...
_tasks.value = tasksList

// View
fun TaskList(viewModel: TaskViewModel) {
val tasks by viewModel.tasks.observeAsState(emptyList())

LazyColumn {
items(tasks) { task ->

In this example, the TaskViewModel holds the list of tasks and handles data loading. The TaskList composable observes changes in the tasks LiveData and updates the UI accordingly.


Redux is another architectural pattern that can be effectively used with Jetpack Compose. It’s known for its unidirectional data flow and can simplify complex UI logic.

Key Components:

  1. Store: Holds the application’s state.
  2. Reducer: Defines how the state should change in response to actions.
  3. Actions: Dispatched events that trigger state changes.
  4. Selectors: Retrieve specific parts of the state for the UI.


Here’s a simplified example of Redux in Jetpack Compose:

// State
data class AppState(val tasks: List<Task>)

// Actions
sealed class AppAction {
data class LoadTasks(val tasks: List<Task>) : AppAction()
data class AddTask(val task: Task) : AppAction()
// Define more actions here

// Reducer
fun appReducer(state: AppState, action: AppAction): AppState {
return when (action) {
is AppAction.LoadTasks -> state.copy(tasks = action.tasks)
is AppAction.AddTask -> state.copy(tasks = state.tasks + action.task)
// Implement other reducers as needed

// Composable
fun App() {
val store = remember { Store(appReducer, AppState(emptyList())) }
val state = store.state

// Observe state and trigger UI updates
val tasks = state.tasks

LazyColumn {
items(tasks) { task ->

In this example, the Store manages the application state, and actions trigger state changes through the reducer. The App composable observes the state and updates the UI accordingly.


Choosing the right architectural pattern for your Jetpack Compose project is essential for its long-term success. MVVM and Redux are two robust options, but you should select the one that best suits your project’s requirements and your team’s familiarity.

Remember that architecture is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Adapt and refine your chosen pattern as your project evolves, and always prioritize code readability, maintainability, and testability. By following these best practices and architectural patterns, you can ensure a solid foundation for your Jetpack Compose applications and set yourself up for success in the ever-evolving world of Android development.


Learn More:

  1. Mastering the Lifecycle in Android Development using Kotlin

2. ExoPlayer in Kotlin with Coroutines: A Powerful Media Player for Android

3. Clean Architecture in Android: Fostering Resilient and Maintainable Apps

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Reza Ramesh
Make Android

I am an Android developer and UI/UX designer with 4 years of experience in creating engaging and user-friendly mobile applications