Redux vs. MVI for Android Apps

Reena Rote
Make Android
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2023

Choosing the right state management architecture for your Android app can be a daunting task. Two popular options in the scene are Redux and MVI (Model-View-Intent). Both have their strengths and weaknesses, making it crucial to understand their differences before diving in.

This guide will delve into the core principles of Redux and MVI, highlighting their key distinctions when it comes to Android development. Additionally, I’ll provide helpful links to resources that offer deeper insights and practical implementation examples.


  • Centralised state store: Redux stores all application state in a single, immutable data structure called the “store.” This centralised approach makes state transitions predictable and debuggable.
  • Unidirectional data flow: Actions, representing events in the app, are the only way to modify the state. Actions are dispatched to the store, which triggers reducers to update the state based on pure functions. This unidirectional flow makes reasoning about state changes easier.
  • Middleware for side effects: While Redux focuses on managing pure state, middleware functions can handle side effects like network calls or local storage updates. This separation of concerns keeps the core Redux logic clean.


  • Decoupled architecture: MVI separates the UI (View) from the business logic (Model) and user interactions (Intent). This modularity promotes code reusability and testability.
  • Reactive state updates: The Model reacts to Intents by emitting new states, which automatically update the View through a reactive binding mechanism. This eliminates the need for explicit state management actions.
  • Immutable data model: Similar to Redux, MVI emphasizes using immutable data structures for the Model, ensuring predictable state changes and easier reasoning.

Android-Specific Considerations:

  • Libraries and frameworks: Both Redux and MVI have dedicated Android libraries and frameworks, like redux-kotlin-android and arkivia-mvi. These libraries simplify integration with Android components and provide helpful tools for managing state and side effects.
  • Testing: Both architectures have well-established testing approaches. For Redux, testing frameworks like redux-mock-store enable efficient unit and integration testing. MVI's reactive nature often simplifies test writing by making state changes more explicit.
  • Learning curve: Redux can have a steeper learning curve due to its more complex concepts like actions and reducers. MVI, with its simpler intent-state loop, might be easier to grasp for beginners.

Helpful Resources:



Remember: The choice between Redux and MVI depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors like project complexity, developer experience, and desired level of modularity when making your decision.

I hope this comprehensive guide with relevant Android-specific links helps you choose the right state management architecture for your next Android project!

Feel free to ask any further questions you might have!



Reena Rote
Make Android

Passionate Android developer & Kotlin enthusiast.