My five “I want” goals for 2023

Maya Keshet
MAKE by Maya Keshet
6 min readFeb 23, 2023


As we get closer to the beginning of a new year, we tend to start thinking about our achievements in the year that is almost over and what we would like to achieve in the upcoming year.

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions: “This year I’ll lose 10 pounds,” we promise ourselves, or “I’ll stop smoking. For real, this time.” We resolve to be more patient with a loved one, or commit to finding a new job, moving to a new place, finally getting that degree, and so on.​

The New Year seems to be a window of opportunity to stop for a moment and evaluate where we are and where we want to be. Then we set our goals for the coming year, the things we feel we need to work on or achieve. I call these my “I must” goals.


I would like to devote this blog to the idea that this window of opportunity, which feels almost tangible, is also a wonderful opportunity for us to go one step further, to set an additional goal or goals, which I refer to as “I want” goals.
These are the things you don’t need to do, but want to do anyway. They might not make sense to others, but they make perfect sense to you. That specific skill or knowledge you’ve always wanted to start working on or obtain, or something you’ve always felt you would enjoy doing or having around.
“I’ve wanted to do this ever since I was a kid” would be a good place to start looking for them. They are the goals that, when asked “Why do you want to do that?”, your immediate answer is “Why not?”.

Most of us are busy people, so it’s challenging to find time to achieve our New Year’s “I must” resolutions. Losing those ten pounds can be hard, and any change or commitment we make means it will cut into our limited resources.
But if that little voice inside of you keeps insisting you learn that new skill or go for that thing that doesn’t make sense to anyone else, consider going the extra mile and committing to an “I want” goal, or list of goals, for 2023.

Personally, I have a long list of things I choose to do and achieve. I consider myself lucky in this sense. I have goals for my company (3 and 5 year goals, 1 year goals, 3 and 6 month goals, goals for the next month, and weekly goals to work toward the bigger ones), as well as the usual “I must” goals for myself.
Nevertheless, there are also quite a few things I don’t have to do, but still want to. When things sometimes get a bit overwhelming, I remember this quote from Dag Hammarskjold: “The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have.” I have found this to be very true.

If you, too, have a long list of things you dream about and want to turn into goals — that’s great! Just make sure to keep your goals clear and measurable, and don’t be afraid to prioritize. The things we wish to achieve can be “big” and feel out of reach, and that’s OK. We just have to keep in mind that in order to make them possible, they need to be given the necessary resources, such as enough time to practice a new skill, for example.
Keep your lifetime list long, and create a shorter list of “I want” goals for each year. You know best how to strike a balance between being too scared or hesitant to take on a challenge, and committing to bouncing too many balls in the air, when you run the risk of dropping a few.

2023 will be a hectic year in my life. That’s why it’s particularly important for me to take advantage of this window of opportunity now and set my “I want” goals for the new year.
So without further ado, here they are:


1. Getting a guide to teach me about the local plants and animals — We will soon relocate to a new country which is very different from the one we currently live in, as are the native plants and animals. As far as my soon to be new home is concerned, I’m barely familiar with them. Once we settle in, I plan to find a guide to teach me about the local flora — from toxic to edible, and everything in between — as well as the wildlife.

2. Do a full split (both types) — This one definitely feels out of reach, borderline impossible. I have to admit I’m not at all flexible. Humbling, but true. I’ll need to come up with a specific plan. Maybe practice for a few minutes every day? But somehow, I’ll get there this year.

3. Bring home a giant rabbit — I’ve wanted one for a long time, but as you can probably imagine, rabbits aren’t the best pets to travel with. A giant rabbit would have to fly in the cargo hold of the plane, and that’s why I’ve been waiting until we settle in before I adopt one. Meanwhile, I’ve been learning everything I need to know in order to provide a good home for my future pet.

4. Learn a martial art — This has been “the elusive one” on my list for quite a while, the one I’ve been wanting to find time for but kept putting off. There never seems to be enough time for such a big commitment. I think I’m a little afraid to start, too. But better late than never. It will take me quite a few years to reach this goal (Is there even a goal to be reached? I feel it’s more like a lifetime commitment). My immediate aim is to finally start this journey in 2023.
I’m not yet sure which martial art to choose, as I’ve only now begun doing some research on the topic. I’ll need to find the right teacher, too. This year I will.

5. Start a vegetable garden — After living in cities for the past few years, I can hardly wait to live in a rural environment and start a garden! It will be a few months before I can do it, but a year from now should be enough time to begin sowing, planting, and maybe even enjoying the first few crops.
I’ll have vegetables, flowers that attract bees and other pollinators, plants that attract butterflies, and a patch especially for my giant rabbit so he or she can roam around and silflay.​

I have promised myself to work toward the goals on my list. Once this is posted for all of you to see, there will be no turning back. So thank you for being there to read this blog, and I expect you to hold me accountable.
One year from now, I will dedicate the blog to reviewing the list and setting my “I want” goals for next year. I hope you decide to join me and prepare your very own list of big goals and start taking the small steps to get you there.​

Leonardo da Vinci said “Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.”

May 2023 stay long enough for us to use the time to work on all our goals.
I wish you a happy, fulfilling New Year.



Maya Keshet
MAKE by Maya Keshet

Founder & Owner of MA☀️KE by Maya Keshet. Entrepreneur; Author & illustrator of Children’s books; Artist. 🖼 View Portfolio: