Making Films & Making Friends

Samio Olowu
Make Film, Make History
11 min readApr 18, 2016

We’ve come to the end of what has been an interesting, insightful and altogether fun project! When I applied for the Make Film Make History project just over a year ago, I had no idea what was in store.

In April 2015 we travelled to Belgium as 35 young Europeans (along with the organisers) not knowing what to expect from each other or the project ahead of us. It was there that we got to know each other and quickly formed friendships. By the end of the first residential we each had an idea of where we wanted to go with the project and what type of films we wanted to create. It was then that we divided up into five groups, in order to create five different short films that would fit our individual ideas and visions of what it means to be young in Europe.

Though we were in smaller groups, this didn’t mean smooth sailing. Many challenges arised when working with others, coming acrosss different ideas, not to mention the basic but important matter of scheduling and organising meetings, taking minutes and cooridinating schedules over skype and facebook. We rose to the challenge, and I think we managed ourselves pretty well. By the time we had our second residential in London, where we had a strict, work hard, play hard policy, it meant a productive yet truly fun trip.

Although we were from different countries, becoming friends helped us to better understand each other and work well together as a film crew. One thing we did find a common ground with was humour and it was quickly decided that our short film would be a Mockumentary focusing on young people in Europe today and their ‘first world problems’… It’s easy to see when watching our film that we had lots of fun making it. As a wise woman once said ‘it’s not about the film, it’s about the process’ and in the end I can say, I’m glad that we find it hilarious…even if you don’t.

Our short film #FirstWorldProblems can be viewed here:

Samio plays reporter in #First World Problems

I also interviewed the minds behind the film so that you can get to know them a little.

That’s all from me for now.

Samio, Manchester, England.

Name: Max

Age: 24

Location: Duisburg, Germany

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

It sounded like a fun contrast to what I usually do, because studying can be quite boring and therefore I applied. I liked the idea of working together in an international team, as well as the opportunity to travel.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

I thought there may be more professionals but actually I like it more this way because we all had a lot common and we were able to learn from each other.

Do you identify with being a European and if so if this something that has changed since doing the project?

Ever since I started participating in the project, I started to reflect more on this topic of being European and now I feel a lot more European that just being a German guy.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

There’s actually not a part it’s the people.

What will you take away from this project?

I learnt a lot about myself, for example that I’m not a very good actor. On a more serious note, looking back at history throughout this project has made me really aware that we can actually really help to build our future instead of just being passive.

What are your plans for the future?

I’ve been thinking about that for two years now and I have no idea. I’m just finishing my studies now. I maybe think about doing more with music or travelling…I really don’t know.

Where can we find you?

Snapchat — MAXLOIN

Instagram — Max_matahari — where you can follow the amazing adventures of the selfie king.

Any last words?

Thanks for having me.

Name: Ida

Age: 20

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

I wanted to make film and at the same time meet new people from different countries because I thought that would be a fun experience. I was keen to gain more film making experience.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

It’s been more than I expected it to be. I didn’t expect to get so close to the group, so that was really fun. I learnt a lot and I was so lucky to become the director of the film, so I got a lot of experience making the film and also working on the preparations. So yes, it was more than I expected.

Do you identify with being European and if so is this something that has changed since doing the project?

I do identify with being a European and I think the feeling of being European has become stronger since doing the project because of meeting you guys and getting to know different people from different countries whilst learning so much about our common history and background.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

That’s difficult. I think it’s the fun people I’ve met on this project and getting the chance to make a film. Especially a mockumentary because it’s something I hadn’t done before. The experience has been really amazing.

What will you take away from this project?

The film/production experience and some great friendships, as well as the travelling.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to get my degree done and get into more film productions hopefully. I really like historical films and hopefully I’ll make some of those someday. This project has given me the opportunity to work on my interests.

Where can we find you?

Instagram — idarovsing — come and check out what I’m up to.

Any last words?

It’s been fun. #maxatethesandwich #firstworldproblems

Name: Robert

Age: 19

Location: Copenhagen

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

Because I thought that after high school that I was going to do something with film and I hoped to gain experience. I’ve always been very interest in history as well, so it sounded like a lot of fun. We also got to travel.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

No, not really. At first I thought that it was all going to be about the First World War but it has developed into something completely different. But that’s fine with me.

Do you identify with being European and if so if this something that has changed since doing the project?

I identify with being European and I also did before the project.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

The social part with meeting people from other countries and learning more about their culture. Also it’s been good visiting the various museums.

What will you take away from this project?

First of all, I think I’ve become better at socialising and my English has improved since doing this project. I also learnt about doing sound on set.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to finish my bachelor and afterwards I hope to study film at Copenhagen University.

Any last words?

Cheers mate

Name: Julia

Age: 22

Location: London, England

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

It seemed like an exciting opportunity to meet new people from across Europe and develop my skills and it was unlike anything I’d done before. I’m also interested in film.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

I wasn’t sure what to expect because I hadn’t done a project like this, especially one that’s international. I found the historical aspect really interesting and the film making workshops were quite comprehensive. I also didn’t expect to meet so many cool people who I think I will stay friends with after the project.

Do you identify with being European and if so if this something that has changed since doing the project?

I’m originally from North America, so being European was never something I particularly identified with, however, I always considered living in England to also be living in Europe. Having taken part in this project and having spent a term abroad in Sweden, I definitely feel like I am more a part of the European community.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

My favourite part of the project has been getting to travel to Belgium with a group of interesting like minded people (but not the food).

What will you take away from this project?

I think I will take away a new perspective on the First World War, particularly how it was depicted on film. I’ve also learnt some new skills in film making and made some great new friends.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m about to finish university, so I get asked this a lot. I would like to do something relating to heritage, the arts and film. Potentially creating exciting and innovative events and or working on film festivals.

Where can we find you?

Instagram — @juliaisabelleehrhard — Keep up with my adventures

Any last words?

Thank you to Halima, IWM & our partners ❤

Name: Abby

Age: 24

Location: London, England

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

I wasn’t doing much at the time and I thought it might be quite interesting and a chance to meet people from different counties. I thought it could be fun to make a film with people who were culturally different to myself and see if any conflicts came about because of that.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

I don’t know what I was expecting but whatever it was, this has definitely met those expectations. I met some great people, made a film that I find hilarious and genuinely just enjoyed myself.

Do you identify with being European and if so is this something that has changed since doing the project?

Guys, I’m Sri Lankan and proud but I’m also very proud of where I’ve grown up. I’ve always felt European but I think we always had more in common than not. I think that about the entire world. I’ve always called myself a citizen of the world.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

I think when we’re all together, it’s always fun and it’s fun doing all the activities and the filming. Whether it is the discussions or the filming….My favourite bit was the food, especially the packed lunches in Belgium

What will you take away from this project?

A new improved version of me…and also the insight into the fact that I am a comedic genius…and that I discovered I want to make a Nordic Noir film about a sandwich.

What are your plans for the future?

I always have vague aims. I know I want to continue to work and progress in the creative industries but I don’t like planning because I know that things always change and I have a new existential crisis every two days, so my aims in life change often.

Where can we find you?

Twitter @AbbyCKumar — because I’m a social media gangsta

Any last words?

Good luck… To all of us.

Name: Samuel

Age: 21

Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

I was interested in film making and I wanted to get the chance to meet other people around my age interested in film. It was also a chance to work with other people on an interesting project.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

Yes and no, there was a lot of theory besides film making and it was heavily focused on the First World War, on The Battle of the Somme. However it still met my expectations because I met with new and interesting people who I made a film with.

Do you identify with being European and if so is this something that has changed since doing the project?

Yes I identify with being European but I already did before this project as I have a mixed background from Europe.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

Getting to know a lot of new and like minded people.

What will you take away from this project?

A very funny film and a lot of new friends.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to stay in the film industry but also explore other work.

Any last words?

Looking forward to the next once in a lifetime experience.

Name: David

Age: 22

Location: Berlin, Germany

Why did you decide to apply for this project?

The combination of film, social media and history sounded very interesting to me. Also, being able to travel to Ypres and London and to work in an international group.

Has it been what you expected it to be?

Yeah…actually pretty much!

Do you identify with being European and if so is this something that has changed since doing the project?

I guess I already felt pretty European before the project started, because the year before I studied abroad with the ERASMUS program. In a way, the MFMH project was also an attempt to continue the great international experience I had during that time. However, participating in the project and talking about what it means to be a European made me reflect on what a great achievement it is that we are able to to travel so easily and unrestricted between European countries. I believe that being aware of that is especially important in times like these, when many people seem to be in favor of a “Brexit” or want to introduce travel restrictions.

What has been your favourite part about the Make Film Project?

That the organisers from Imperial War Museums and Goethe Institute supported us whenever we needed advice, but also gave us a lot of freedom to work out the details of the project on our own.

What will you take away from this project?

I didn’t know a lot about the First World War before the project, but now I do. I also think we gained a lot of experience in terms of planning and organising a project, especially since we were able to decide within our groups on how to spend certain funds and make the most efficient use of our time. And, of course, having met a lot of wonderful people from different countries :)

What are your plans for the future?

Thats a very good question…certainly something with movies!

Any last words?


Before I leave you, check out our blooper reel involving flying fish. Make sure you watch all of ‘First World Problems’ available via IWM Youtube from April 27, 2016

