We came. We saw. We conquered.

Make Film, Make History
3 min readDec 21, 2015

We came. We saw. We conquered. (There might be a little bit more work to do to fulfil that last one!)

The final weekend of November saw Team Europe Today come together in a very windy London. A trip to talk further about our concept, assign roles, calculate next steps, and well, quite frankly, catch up.

However, what I found most shocking is how much happens in six months. Everyone had been on their own little adventures — most evident in Samuel’s new hair.

New hair — don’t care!

After finishing our catch up sessions, we managed to get down to work. Discussing our script and the evolutions in Europe since we last met. Political relations across the world have changed so much in the past few months. From mass movement of people to extremist attacks. It felt to us that Europe needed to come together more than ever! Which brought many evolutions to the work that we are doing!

After much thought and decision-making it was time to do some casting (WATCH THIS SPACE MOHAMMED). The script was not finished with either — everyone had their opinions, which led to much confusion — but I think we learnt something and were all decided on a direction at the end of it. From the parts of the script we were happy with, we began to make a prop list and a shot list, talking about the ways that we could get around potential copyright issues. #FirstWorldProblems are defined by their consumerist tendancies — so this was relatively hard. To find out how we got around it — watch our film, coming to a screen near you in a couple of months time! *winkyface*

We then decided it was time to call it a night. It was time to head off to Abby’s friend’s ‘Magic and Sparkles’ party. It ended up with us taking this photo:

Yes. None of us have any explanation to the choices we made on our route to deciding to pose in this vague human tug-of-war.

We left that to visit a very slippy and windy Primrose Hill. A few of us fell over.

Julia was auditioning to be a goat-herder puppet in ‘The Sound Of Music.’

Sunday was time to do some more work. We decided to take a visit to the Imperial War Museum.

Nine started, only seven remain. Who will be the last man standing?

There was much inspiration to take from the exhibits. The realities of a country being at war and our relatively sheltered existences living in modern Europe really struck home. We definitely won the birthplace lottery! We planned a little more, worked on a shot list late into the evening. Then fell asleep waking up to a very windy Monday. Brrrrrrrr!

Much to Max’s disappointment, we were unable to visit Tower “London” Bridge. Maybe next time?

Poor Tower Bridge, no one ever remember’s it’s name properly.

