What do experts think about Europe’s future?

Verena Smogulla
Make Film, Make History
2 min readApr 13, 2016

Financial crisis, Refugee Crisis, Brexit — Europeans have been facing a lot of challenges and questions. In coping with these situations we have been arguing, protesting, changing governments and changing our views.

The ‘Future of Europe’ is a vox-pop documentary which provides a snapshot of how young Europeans are responding to these challenges. We interviewed various members of the public as well as experts in politics, culture and history. We asked them the question:

Could you describe the future of Europe in three words?

Future of Europe Group interviewing Jacqueline Minor ( far right) L-R Oliver, Chocolate Films, Vanessa behind camera, Alex interviewer, Verena on microphone, Vicki on sound testing.

“challenging, exciting, unfinished”

Jacqueline Minor, UK E.U. Commissioner

Future of Europe Group interviewing Suzie Thacker

uncertainty, challenge, opportunities

Suzie Thacker Head of Strategy and Communications from the National Museum Directors Council (NMDC)

constant, patient, struggle

Chris Sharpe, Learning Officer from Imperial War Museums

If you want to know what young Europeans think about the Future of Europe, watch the “ Future of Europe” documentary below.

Future of Europe Documentary

