5 Little Thoughts Worth a Thousand Bucks Each.

Charles Tawananyasha Machakwa
Make Internet Money
3 min readJan 4, 2023
Image Created by MidJourney AI
  1. Competition is the plague.

The best way to beat your competition is to have no competition at all. You are not just another writer, web developer or digital artist in a pool of a million others. You have to be certain that what you offer is unique to you and only you can provide it in the way you can.

Most people will wait for people with the problems to come to them. You don’t want to be in this cutthroat competition pool. You want to identify problems that are not even being addressed and come in as a solution.

And as such, your clients will be unique to you.

Reach out to people that you can provide a solution and may not even know that they need your help. They are oblivious to the problem. In other words, you can create your own uncontested market from scratch by identifying problems and solutions.

2. Sell the sizzle, not the steak.

People are buying results and experiences. Within reason, they don’t really care how you get them there. You can spend hours talking about the nuts and bolts of what you do (they don’t care!) or win them over by focusing on the results of working with you.

People love romantic ideas of where they are going rather than the process of work to get there. The sizzle of barbecue steak is far more attractive than a heap of meat in a butchery. So sell the sizzle.

3. Speed it up!

Most people do things slow in the guise of doing it perfectly. Your results will be as slow as your implementation. Be quick in execution.

New business needs a website? Get it done in one day. An E-book in your field of expertise? Three days and its done. Phone calls? You made them by 9 in the morning.

You make time your ally only after your traps have been set, and not before. Get stuff done quicker and more efficiently and then you can iterate for perfection later.

4. Don’t lone-wolf it.

There are many people out there who have the other half of the skills you are missing. The sum of you together is usually greater than the parts. Synergy is a real thing.

The market is bigger and meaner than you. You cannot beat it alone and even if you could, it would be unnecessary pain doing it alone.

Moreover, most visionaries are bad executors. If you can daydream enough to visualize exactly where you want to go, you are probably so much into dreaming that work pains you. I am like that too. That is why I need people around me in a system that forces me to do some actual work.

Alone, three lions will die of hunger whilst together, they can teamwork down an buffalo. You are not John Rambo. Get a team behind you.

5. Your Unfair Advantage

Life is not fair and whilst you might have your own weak points, you will have some unfair advantages that you probably don’t deserve. Exploit them!

Make your talents, gifts and circumstances work for you. Good at public speaking? Nimble with a pen? Have a fat bank balance from an unexpected inheritance? Use it all to give yourself an unfair chance at life. Remember, we are also using our advantages in the same market against you.

This year can be the best year of your life if you choose it! Good luck.

