UX Audit checklist for optimal website performance

Yel Malichenko
Make it Clear
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2023

Introduction to UX Audits

A UX audit is a review of the user experience of your website or digital product. The output is a set of tangible, actionable recommendations that streamline business processes and focus the approach.

User experience is crucial to website success. There is a 400% increase in visit-to-lead conversions with a site that has a ‘superior’ user experience (Forrester Research), and 89% of consumers move to a competitor after a poor user experience (Smartkarrot). These statistics highlight how important it is to regularly conduct UX audits to ensure you are offering the highest level of user experience. One way to do this is by evaluating your product or platform against a UX audit checklist.

Throughout this article, we will outline the essential areas to evaluate within a user experience audit checklist, along with key insights and recommendations.

UX Audit checklist

1. Navigation and information architecture

Information architecture, or IA, is the structural design of information systems and interactive products and services. IA helps users to discover and find information using prompts, labels, language and context to help make their journey as simple as possible.

IA is a key part of UX design and it is integral to the success of a website, product or mobile app. A strong IA means a good user experience, which ultimately means lower bounce rates, repeat customers, and a better product.

Key navigation and IA evaluation points:

  • Are menus and navigation clear and intuitive
  • Is labelling and organisation of content consistent
  • Are user flows and journeys intuitive

2. Visual design and layout

Visual design and layout are key to how a user experiences a product. Interfaces should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Each extra unit of information in an interface competes with the relevant information and diminishes its relative visibility. Visual design should be consistent with product branding and identity and should be used consistently across the product. A clear visual hierarchy between elements should be maintained throughout the design to enable users to navigate the product efficiently. Visual hierarchy can be created using grouping and proximity, colour, contrast and scale.

Key visual design and layout evaluation points:

  • Are branding and visual identity consistent across the product
  • Are white space and visual hierarchy being used effectively
  • Is all content easily readable
  • Are design patterns being used where possible

3. Responsive design and mobile optimisation

Responsive design is an approach that means that an interface will adapt to a device or different viewport. Responding to the environment that it is being used in improves user experience and engagement with a product.

Similarly, mobile optimisation means ensuring that website content is designed so users accessing it from a mobile device have a high level of user experience.

Key responsible design and mobile optimisation evaluation points:

  • Are the layout and responsive design principles mobile-friendly
  • Have media and viewport settings been optimised
  • Have touch-friendly elements and navigation been considered for users on mobile and touchscreen devices

4. Content and copywriting

Clear, consistent and engaging copy helps you to communicate and build trust with users with ease. It is essential to understand the context and who you are writing content for. This will help to inform the tone of voice, format and structure of your content.

Key content and copywriting evaluation points:

  • Is copy engaging
  • Is the content relevant and of a high-quality
  • Has the readability and scannability of copy been considered

5. Page speed and performance

Page load time can be vital in ensuring user engagement on a platform or website. Faster page load times increase traffic, sales and overall user satisfaction. Reducing your page loading time even by a second can dramatically improve your users’ experience.

Key page speed and performance evaluation points:

  • Are all images and media files optimised
  • Have CSS and JavaScript been minified
  • Has caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) been utilised

6. Digital accessibility and inclusivity

Digital accessibility is a constantly evolving practice which removes barriers and enables everyone to have equal access to all online and digital content. Accessibility should be integrated through internal methodologies across the whole design process.

Key digital accessibility and inclusivity evaluation points:

  • Is the platform compliant with WCAG guidelines
  • Have considerations been taken into how users with different abilities will engage with the platform
  • Have clear and descriptive alternative texts been used for imagery
  • Can animation and media be paused and stopped
  • Are consistent focus states used across the product
  • Has colour contrast been considered throughout the product

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