What Great Performers Do Intuitively

The Art Of Peak Performance

5 min readApr 2, 2014

Many of us have desires to reach heights very few expect us to. Some of us look at the great performers across many fields and wonder what makes them stand out.

We can agree that most of the greatest leaders, performers and high achievers in any profession all have their unique strengths and weaknesses.

In sports those are great defenders may not be so strong playing offence and vice versa. Yet, when we look at all of these excellent players and movers and shakers, at the top of their game, from Bill Gates to Warren Buffet, we see that their strengths far outshine their weaknesses.

This is so true that their weaknesses appear to be almost irrelevant. One key with all peak performers is they do not stress over their weaknesses.

They understand their strengths and know that as long as they can commit to continual, life term learning and progress they can always get away with being okay in their weak points.

Every great mind in business knows how to either outsource or hire the right talent to do the things they are not so great at. They keep around them the best team and are constantly looking for the best to work with.

Likewise, using the sports analogy, great coaches put together the players that will most support each other’s weaknesses. The team with abilities that complement each other the most, is the team with the biggest advantage.

How can you play at your very best? There are a few things to realize when it comes to managing strengths and weaknesses.

1. Firstly, the best performers are not those who focus on what they are not good at in order to improve, but those who identify and commit incredible amount of time on their strengths.

2. The greatest people in any venture, field or practice know how to be satisfied with being okay in their weak points.

They know how to learn the bare minimum required to keep them in the game they play. That game may be kicking a ball in the back of a net or speaking in front of great crowds.

3. The greatest performers make the best decisions, based on what they know they are good at.

They do this by understanding the importance of finding the opportunities, and investment of time and resources that allow them to take advantage of their strengths.

In other words they do not choose to just do anything that is proposed to them. Being excellent achievers, they place a major importance on their time and will not do anything that is not quite ‘them’.

What can we learn from them?

  1. We can first ask ourselves what exactly are my strengths? What am I most good at? What comes most easily to me? What do I love doing the most?

Why do I perform so well doing this? What things have I been able to do very well since my childhood? Clarity concerning strengths is the start to being your very best.

2. Write down a list of your greatest strengths. What you are most great at. Take out a week to really think about it and journal your observances daily.

A great way to do this is to look out for the things that cause a reaction in your body.

How did you feel doing particular activities? Which ones make you feel energized? Which ones make you feel like you’ve lost track of time and give you a sense of ‘flow’?

What comes naturally, as talent? What do you get the best results from? What do you daydream about or what keeps coming to mind during your downtime? You should try to Journal all these things throughout the week.

3. Pay attention to the things that stick out to you at the end of the week. Focus on them and think about how you can work on them more.

Think about how you can support, acknowledge and grow them intentionally. Think about how you can apply these strengths in your field of interest.

Think about the changes you can make concerning the things you spend your time on daily. Prioritize the strengths that will help you to stand out in your projects, dreams, goals and ambitions.

4. Make plans now to integrate, join, implement and use these new strengths in your career and ventures.

5. Let others know of what you’re best at. Nobody can respect your value unless you’re willing to boldly stand out and tell them of what you bring to the table.

Only what you demonstrate and communicate to be excellent at will get you the acknowledgement and respect you need to reach greater heights in your industry or field.

False humility will not work. Unless you are clear about your strengths, and can define them, it is likely that you will get the short hand of the stick in life.

Many people who are great shy away from getting attention. They think they are being humble, when really it is a lack of confidence. Speak boldly, and back it with action.

6. Train, train and train again. Develop those strengths you discover because they’re who you are.

The greater you are at them the more of yourself you can contribute to the world, the bigger the platform, income and respect you will demand.

7. Remember that nobody ever got great by focusing on what they are not so great at. To reach new heights through your unique qualities and advantages you must see yourself what you can do.

Is it wise to develop weaknesses? Yes, only if you are spending time on the weaknesses that will most impact your success in what you do.

Do this until you are competent enough okay to keep balance and stay in the game. Spend the least amount of time on it, prioritize what makes you unique.

You will only be as great as your clarity of your strengths and passions, your commitment to a life-time of learning, development, and growth in them.

Play to stand out, do not get lost in the crowd. Be you at your best.

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I help people get noticed for their work. People person, marketer, strategy. I write about everything from Business & Marketing to Society & Ancient History.