Reply to the October “Make It So” Prompts
For the honor of The Empire!
Thank you to the “Make It So” publication and to Kerry Purvis for these fun and thought-provoking questions!
The questions for October are:
- Who is your favorite Klingon?
- What are your favorite Klingon-centered episodes, films, or story arcs?
- What is something you like from Klingon culture?
My responses:
1- I have many favorite Klingon characters! Some of my favorites are, in no particular order: K’Ehlyer, Grilka, Kor, Gowron, Martok, Lursa and B’Etor, General Chang, and of course, our beloved B’Elanna and Worf.
The one I’d like to highlight today is Kahlest, from “Sins of the Father” (TNG). This is one of my favorite episodes. I adore her and have a soft spot for her character. Her deeply felt emotional memories of Worf and his family, as well as her current situation, feels very poignant. I appreciate that even though she’s getting older, she is still a badass! Her launching of the knife at Picard’s assailant to save his life is one of my favorite moments of the franchise. ~ And her purple fuzzy robe is quite awesome.
The only thing that mars this storyline for me is her body-image shaming of K’mpec. It takes away from a spectacular episode and from the great characters of Kahlest and K’mpec. It is unnecessary, cringeworthy, and cruel. This amazing story didn’t need this. They could’ve just had her say he used to be interested in her, and she just wasn’t interested in him. Nevertheless, I love the character and the episode.
On another note, regarding Worf, I was so thrilled that he joined DS9. He brought so much to the show, and really enhanced it, in my opinion. I enjoyed his storylines there, and loved the character even more in that series.
2- Some of my favorite Klingon episodes are “Redemption” (TNG), “Errand of Mercy” (TOS), “House of Quark” (DS9), “Judgement” (ENT), “You are Cordially Invited” (DS9), “Blood Oath” (DS9), “The Undiscovered Country”, and many more. A few more standouts that I love are:
“Once More unto the Breach” (DS9)
Kor’s final story is filled with pathos and is powerful, heartbreaking, and at the same time, uplifting.
“Prophecy” (VOY)
This underrated gem is a terrific exploration of B’Elanna’s connection to her Klingon heritage. Her goodbye to Kohlar in the transporter room is beautiful, and her final scene with Tom gets me misty-eyed.
“Rules of Engagement” (DS9)
This intense courtroom drama with the great guest character, Ch’Pok, is terrific. But my favorite part is the closing scene with Worf and Sisko in Worf’s quarters. Just brilliant. It’s one of my favorite scenes of the series.
“Sins of the Father” (TNG)
Truly epic and phenomenal! It’s in my top ten, if not top five, of TNG.
3- I really appreciate that the Klingons incorporate songs and singing into their celebrations, memories, storytelling, and lore. Singing is a big part of my life, having sung in choirs, performed, and been a former music teacher, so it really resonates with me. I just love the history and emotion behind it that is so closely tied in with their honor.
Until next time, LLAP and (as Quark said in the fabulous House of Quark)….. “Qapla’ to you, too!”