Make It So Writing Prompt July 2024

It’s The Pick A Letter Challenge, Star Trek Edition!

Kerry Purvis
Make It So


The U.S.S. Enterprise surrounded by felt letters
Image made by the author in Canva. Original photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels

Greetings, Make It So readers and writers! I hope you had a wonderful June. Our July prompt is inspired by a challenge I made for Buddy Gott’s fabulous publication Plethora of Pop. You can see the original challenge here:

Welcome to the Pick A Letter Challenge, Star Trek edition!

The objective of this challenge is simple: Pick one letter and list things from Star Trek that begin with that letter. Any letter will do. Bloody A, B, C, D…you get the idea. A brief example with the letter K:





Have fun with this challenge! And speaking of fun, check out this entertaining video of Patrick Stewart singing an alphabet song:



Kerry Purvis
Make It So

Xennial writer from Maine, USA. Librarian by day. Co-host Muppet Profiles. Writes about ADHD, mental health, music, cats, TV, and other random things. She/her