An Important Note on The Future

Maddie Bleistern
Connecting Things
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2016

Why We’re No Longer Developing SeeNote

Dear SeeNote Customers, Followers, and Friends,

We are writing today to share with you our difficult decision to stop development on our first product, The SeeNote ePaper Sticky Note, and refund all pre-orders. Customers should have or will see an email within the next 48 hours confirming that their account will not be charged.

The decision to cease development on this product has not been easy, but we learned a lot along the way and can’t thank you enough for your support.
Working together to launch SeeNote was an incredible, instructive experience.

While the road to shipping SeeNote has come to an end, the story of our young company is just beginning. And we have you to thank for that. We set out, tested some of our initial assumptions, and honed our understanding of the market. We’ve met so many mentors, made new friends and received so much helpful advice.

And we’ll be back.

Thank you for seeing the future with us, and for helping to realize the vision for this product. We hope you’ll come along with us in the future as we work to deliver our next product with greater success.

If you have any questions for us, please don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments — we will do our best to respond to everyone we can.


Matt & Lou



Maddie Bleistern
Connecting Things

Entrepreneur taking on literacy (@dinotebooks) | E-Commerce Dir. at @ralphlauren