Your Future Present

Kyle Richey
Make Progress
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2019

Think back to something you regret. Maybe it’s a big decision that turned out to be the wrong move, or something simple like eating too much or leaving the dishes piled up to deal with the next morning. Either way, feeling regretful is the worst, right?

Now imagine being able to go back in time and prevent that feeling. What if you could warn your past self and make the right decision. Poof, no more regret!

We’d all do this if we could, but here’s the funny part: You don’t need a time machine to prevent regret. You can do the right thing in the present to prevent regret for future you.

So who is this “future you”? A real person, just like present you, but one you often mistreat, take for granted, and quite frankly screw over with short-sighted choices. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all do it.

Little decisions we make in the present, like hitting the snooze button, skipping a workout, or staying up for more TV instead of getting some much-needed rest, all hurt our future selves.

Oh, and this isn’t limited to the far-off future either. It could be as short-term as doing something now that will help or hurt you 15 minutes later.

It’s easy to prioritize now, and that’s not always a bad thing. That’s what mindfulness is all about, after all, and being present is vital for true happiness. If you can’t be happy in the moment, what makes you think you’ll be happy later? Different circumstances aren’t the key to happiness, it’s all about being grateful for what you have, and working toward your next goal. The combination of gratitude and purpose.

That said, being totally present could mean stuffing your face with pizza and ice cream. If that’s what you need right now, fine. But if you make it a habit, then that’s a different story, and one you’ll certainly regret.

While it’s awesome to live in the now and focus on the present, there’s a fine line between this mentality and never making progress on what matters most to you.

Be present, but if you want to do great things and feel amazing about your life, there is one realization that can change everything:

There are more moments for future you than for present you.

This is a wonderful thing. The present moment is most important, but it’s still exactly that: a single moment.

Think of it like a minute. This minute is the one to pay the most attention to, of course, but the future includes all the minutes left in your entire life.

So, by all means, appreciate this moment. That’s what life is all about. But…

If you deeply appreciate the present moment, doesn’t it make sense to appreciate each of your future moments at least as much?

Collectively, don’t all of those future moments add up to be worth a lot more than one moment in the present?

Of course. So, the key is to keep those future moments in mind with the decisions you make now, and develop the habit of enjoying now by treating future you with respect.

Keep making progress, preventing regret, and making decisions that add value so you can truly enjoy your life, in the present and in the future.

Originally published at

