Look at What Happens When a College Moves Like a Startup

Make School
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2017

Make School’s Product College launches a new Data Science curriculum

There’s hype around data science for good reason.

According to Forbes, annual demand for the fast-growing new roles of data scientist, data developers, and data engineers will reach nearly 700,000 openings by 2020. That’s why we’re teaching this in demand skill at Make School’s Product College.

The Product College at Make School will begin our fourth year this September. In addition to Mobile and Web development, this year, the Product College students will also be able to learn data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

What’s all the Hype? What is Data Science?

You’ve probably heard the hype about artificial intelligence and the robots coming for your job, but is it all hype?

First off, what is data science and machine learning? Data Science is the use of statistics to find insights in the large amount of data that internet and sensor technologies are creating every day. Machine learning is using advanced statistical algorithms to “teach” computers to do things like read xrays or drive cars.

So is it worth they hype? The answer our team came up with is “probably yes”. All crystal ball gazers predict that data science will become a more and more valuable skill set for any tech team and the features and automation that these data scientists provide will likely revolutionize how technology works.

Interest & Demand

At the Product College we were aware that our students are more and more interested in data science, and with some research we learned that the demand for data scientist jobs is mounting, so much so that Airbnb has started their own internal bootcamp to train their engineers. Google is also running its own internal trainings. Because there was both student interest and job demand we’ve created this new curriculum.

Traditionally data scientists are trained in statistics for economics or even biology and then cross trained into the skills they need to be ready for the jobs in tech. At the Product College we take a different approach: we train exactly to the competencies and skills need to be a junior data scientist.

We developed this course with help from engineers at eBay and General Assembly and our Data Science program is lead by Alan Davis an engineer with a Masters in Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence and professional experience at Leap Motion and Twillio.

Apply Today

The Product College is accepting applications for the fall enrollment — apply today!



Make School

Educator, Founder, Engineer. Interested in Evidence Based Education and Solving BIG Problems.