Lower Price, Best Summer Academy Experience Yet

We are reducing the price of the Make School Summer Academy to $1,000 for six weeks of in-person, full-time education in San Francisco with an all-star roster of instructors, guest speakers, and mentors.

Dion Larson
Make School
4 min readNov 16, 2017


Apply now and learn to design, code, and launch your own app!

Launched in 2012, the Summer Academy is a program for high school and college students passionate about using programming to build products that solve real world problems. We are excited to announce changes to this year’s program — this post will cover our featured guest speakers, industry mentors, and a number of ways we are making the program more accessible, no least of which is dropping tuition to $1,000.

Guest Speakers

The Summer Academy has always been equal parts software engineering and product development. This year’s speakers will speak to the ways their teams use technology to build some of the world’s greatest products, past and present.

Just three of the guest speakers we have lined up for you!


Students will meet in a group with their designated mentor once a week throughout the program. With six Summer Academies under our belt, we are fortunate to have an extensive network of alumni and former instructors who are excited to return and mentor.

What triggered these changes?

The Summer Academy has educated over a thousand high school and college students from over 50 countries. We surveyed them, their parents, and new applicants to ask how we can improve the program this year.

The response was overwhelming. Over 80% of our audience told us they would have come to San Francisco had they been able to afford it. Although over 50% of our students have received some form of financial aid to attend, a large number of incredibly talented admits were ultimately unable to attend for financial reasons.

We are committed to addressing this feedback and set out to enable as many talented admits to attend our San Francisco program as possible.

How we are making the Summer Academy more accessible

This summer, traveling to San Francisco to attend the Summer Academy will be cheaper than attending in any US city last summer.

Tuition: We are reducing tuition for our San Francisco Academy to $1,000. As our Product College scales, we are sharing space and instructors to significantly reduce costs for the Summer Academy.

Location and Housing: The Summer Academy will only be offered in San Francisco this year. We are arranging housing in San Francisco for approximately $2,000/student. Housing with trained RAs will be available for minors.

No Mac required: We are removing the requirement to own a Mac. Alongside our iOS development curriculum, we will offer a full-stack Web Development track open to Mac and PC owners.

Scholarships: Make School is offering merit-based scholarships to further reduce costs for talented students in need and are also offering scholarships to members of partner organizations. This year’s partners will be announced soon, last year’s partners included TMCF, Yes We Code, Girls Who Code, and First Robotics.

The Low Down

Dates: July 2nd to August 11th, 2018.

Tuition: $1000, and housing will be available for students from out of town for ~$2000/student.

Content: We will offer a web development track and iOS development track.

Curriculum: Students will clone popular applications during the first 3 weeks of the course, then design, code, and launch their own original application in the last 3 weeks of the course. The last day (August 11th) is our demo day, a graduation ceremony attended by friends and industry representatives showcasing the students and the products they’ve built.

Mentors and Speakers: Students will meet with a designated industry mentor once a week. Guest speakers will join every week to share their experiences as founders, investors, and engineers in tech.

Outcomes: Our alums have used the apps they’ve built at Make School as portfolio items in their college and job applications. These portfolio items helped them go on to study CS at MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, CMU, Harvard, and other top schools. They have also gone on to intern or work at Apple, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Disney, Dropbox, Twitter, Square, and other top companies.

See you this summer!

Apply by December 20th to receive first choice of mentor and company visit!

