Facebook looks to Make School’s students for their next generation of innovators

susan nesbitt
Make School
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2017

“Under a new agreement we just signed, Facebook will actively look for new recruits within Make School’s student body, and Facebook will host events at the main Facebook campus for Make School students.“

As the Head of Business Development at Make School, one of my goals is to ensure that a Make School education is recognized by recruiters at companies where our Product College students aspire to work. Our students’ skills and portfolios certainly speak for themselves, but in an industry that can be very brand-name conscious and skeptical of new entrants, I’ve found that we have to proactively work to bring engineers, executives, and recruiters to Make School so they can witness what is so special about our CS education first hand. Over the years since we started the Product College, we have organized dozens of opportunities for our students and faculty to deepen their connections to industry, and in turn larger and larger companies have started to recruit talent from Make School.

Last year, we began to develop a relationship with university recruiters at Facebook. Their interest deepened as they saw that our college program equips students with a set of strengths hard to find so concentrated elsewhere. We focus on rigorous computer science fundamentals and practical applications of computer science including mobile, full stack web development, and data science. Because we offer a flexible income share option in place of traditional up-front tuition, even going so far as to pay rent in San Francisco for our students in need, students from a much wider range of socio-economic backgrounds come to Make School. Our student body is incredibly diverse, with over a third of our students hailing from backgrounds underrepresented in tech.

Ultimately, Facebook made two offers to students in our last class and I am excited to say that that was only the beginning of our work with FB. Under a new agreement we just signed, Facebook will actively look for new recruits within Make School’s student body, and they will host events at their headquarters and NYC offices for Make School students. Known for always seeking out the best talent, we are honored that Facebook will be looking to our students for their next generation of innovators.

Nicholas Swift, from last year’s class has been working as full time iOS Developer at Facebook for the last 4 months. Nick told us, “Working for a company like Facebook was exactly the goal that I had in mind when I started Make School’s Product College. The skills and knowledge that I gained from Make School made transitioning into my job with Facebook incredibly easy, and I’ve been having a blast. Facebook has such a fun, collaborative work environment I’m thriving in. It’s a great privilege to come to work here every day.”

“The income sharing model was essential for me,” Nick says. “It made it possible for me to get a top-tier education without burying myself in debt or worrying about juggling a job while enrolled as a student.”

Our innovative approach to computer science education has led to recruiting partnerships with Lyft, LinkedIn, and over twenty other Silicon Valley companies. We have also attracted transfer students from top universities, including MIT.

Learn more about Make School’s Product College by visiting our website, here.

Published on the Make School Blog (https://www.makeschool.com/blog).

