It is always the right time to put babies before profits

By Kimberly Seals-Allers

The Make the Breast Pump Not Suck project is a member of the The Maternal & Child Health Communication Collective. We are re-sharing this statement below to take a stance against recent bullying tactics by the US to prevent countries from adopting a breastfeeding resolution.

The recent New York Times reported story on July 8th and Editorial Board
commentary on July 9th highlight what maternal and child health advocates
have been saying for years — profit motives often trump what is best for infant
and maternal health outcomes. The U.S. delegation’s recent attempt to thwart
a benign World Health Organization resolution to promote healthier infants
around the globe is just the latest example of how, far too often, corporate
interests insinuate themselves into infant and maternal health policies.
According to the article, the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly
meeting in Geneva first tried to water down the resolution language and then
members used threats and other intimidation tactics, including threatening to
cut crucial military aid, to try to browbeat smaller nations such as Ecuador into not backing the resolution. Many breastfeeding advocates who attended the meeting in April shared their astonishment over this abrupt turn of events in real time on social media. Ultimately, the resolution prevailed.

To be clear, we believe infant formula should exist for all infants who need it
and for all mothers who use their power of informed decision making to choose it, however we do not believe corporate interests, bullying tactics and
intimidation should be anywhere in public health decision-making.

The WHO is charged with attaining the highest possible level of health by all
people, and they should be allowed to pursue their mission without
interference from corporations who benefit financially from the failure of
breastfeeding or the pharmaceutical companies who profit from increased
prevalence of diseases.

We call on breast milk substitute manufacturers, a $70 billion industry, to refrain from lobbying against World Health Organization resolutions, to recognize the WHO Code as applicable in all countries, to cease political contributions and allow all mamas the right to truly choose their infant feeding options without corporate or political influence. It is always the right time to put babies before

Contact: Kimberly Seals Allers
Director, The MCH Communication Collective

The Maternal & Child Health Communication Collective, is a national
consortium of Maternal Child Health-focused organizations guided by
the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive and committed to improving messaging and communication strategies in order to shift the narrative in the MCH national discourse.



Rebecca Michelson
Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon

Design-research at the intersections of family well-being, technology, & equity. Ph.D. candidate: Human-Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington